Champions, Followers, and Mission Tables

We’ve had different iterations of the followers & mission table system, and I wanted to give a few bits of feedback while there is time to potentially make changes before the next expansion:

  • I like the rarer lucrative missions a lot (i.e. the island treasure maps). I’ve liked them going as far back as WoD and its raid loot missions, and legendary quest requirements; Titan Residuum is a more incarnation of the same thing.
  • I like the variety of the rewards. My very first Talanji’s Expedition paragon cache got me the toy associated with this faction, so very early on I felt like I didn’t need to farm rep for them, which enabled me to completely ignore those missions on the mission table and focus on other factions, or pet charms, or azerite (until I stopped needing that as well).
  • I don’t like the juggling of threats and counters; ever since the system was first introduced in WoD, I’ve offloading all my decision making in this department to addons because the best configuration is often not intuitive to me (e.g. it’s often better to skip countering some threats and send beefy troops/specific champions instead). The BFA version is better than the Legion one in this regard (and both are much better than the WoD one), but I feel like the core issue is still there.
  • I like the ability to do things on my phone once or twice per day.
  • I like the research idea from Legion and BFA, but I would’ve preferred if it offered a little more impactful things, something that changes my gameplay. Knocking out a single WQ once per day is… not particularly exciting.
  • I like the idea of putting together a team with different abilities and strengths, but not the implementation (i.e. the threats system).
  • I’ve enjoyed getting free crafting materials from missions sometimes, maybe something like this could be more baseline.