Blizz, this is dumb for you guys to do, cmon
You’re literally putting in the recoloured Pandaren Phoenix mount which was a Silver CM reward
Logically why not add in the UNUSED Challenge Mode recolours as a meta achievement reward for unlocking everything else from the bronze shop or something? Mind you THOSE RECOLOURS HAVE BEEN SITTING IN THE GAME’S FILES SINCE MISTS CAME OUT. plus unlocking everything in the bronze store would take absolutely forever and arguably take more effort than running challenge mode even did back in the day lol
They look cool. I want it. I already got the challenge mode set 10 years ago and would very much like to mix it up with a different colouration. And for everyone else who didn’t get the CM sets back in the day, let them have this as you’re giving away the special phoenix for free too?? makes zero sense not to
Let the record stand if the actual default challenge mode sets returned, I wouldn’t even give a rat’s hairy < expletive removed > because I have the Feat of Strength already which anyone getting the sets today wouldn’t get
I have friends who farmed elegon and sha of anger every week for like 4-5 years for their mounts and put in more effort than the chumps who paid me phat gold to run through challenge mode back in the day, yet the former is returning to the store lol
make it make sense blizzard
I think the problem is that remix isn’t likely going to be challenging and therefor no challenge mode recolors. That said, Idk if challenge mode was even challenging or not. I missed a lot of mop.
I’d love them to add them into the game some way though.
imho the legion mage tower was a far far better test of skill because it was solo content
challenge mode should’ve just been called mob pull + LoS mode lol
or for the buyers… get carried mode
They used one of them for the Legion class hall sets.
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yeah but im talking about the other ones. every class got 3 colourations, except for warrior who got 4 and mage got 5.
(plus those order hall colours sucked)
You sure? I saw a recolour of Ji-Kun. But we already had a recolour of that with Ha-Li.
Legion class sets weren’t even recolors. I don’t know why people keep claiming this. They were remodels. When parts are removed or added from something, that’s a remodel.
I certainly wouldn’t complain if they made this happen, but I’m not expecting them to.
Not a Ji-Kun one, they’re talking about a recolor of the Pandaria CM Phoenixes, you can get the recolor from the remix at level 20.
Oh nice. That’s awesome.
So i just looked it up. It is the one I was thinking of. I just didn’t realise the other phoenix mounts looked quite like this. I remembered them with shorter bodies.
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That phoenix looks wonderful, too. The colors are way more phoenix-y than the old ones, in my opinion.
Absolutely, real happy it’s in my favorite colors too
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it is a recolor. Just without the special effect.
The class hall sets are trimmed down versions of the CM ones. They are not simply recolors.
CM hunter set:
Class hall hunter set:
it still based on them. Stop arguing.
They weren’t the hardest thing in the game or anything, but they were harder than people make them out to be when calling for the sets to return.
Blizzard themselves called them recolors at the time, so saying you can’t call them recolors is dumb. That said, they don’t have the head/shoulder models and everyone knows that’s the part people care about, so bringing them up in threads like this one is also dumb.
No it isn’t lmao
deleting a keg piece or wolf head from a set but leaving the rest of it perfectly in tact is not a remodel
a remodel is like comparing the vanilla chicken/rat/critter models to the current ones, where they have been completely re-modelled
a small tweak like removing a few polygons from a set that leaves the UV mapping and texturing completely unaffected is an “alteration” at most. Plus they made the full sets with those legion order hall colours in MoP and in Legion decided to remove some flair from them. dont test me boy i work for a game studio right now lol
yeah they’re adding in a Chi-Ji colouration of the Pandaren Phoenix
https ://
as you can see here, the order hall recolours are simply stripped down so they’re not as boujee as their challenge mode counterparts. as simple as clicking certain parts of the model and pressing delete. no actual mesh geometry is being changed like an actual remodel. so they’re still recolours lol. if i get 2 honda civics and colour one red and the other blue, and then take off one of the side view mirrors from the blue one, its still the same car
another good example of a remodel is comparing the black temple sets to the tomb of sargeras sets. same design, but remodeled with a way higher polycount which allows for more detailed uv mapping and texturing as well as adding rigging to cloth physics on any belts or shoulders/embellishments etc
Sell me your monk and give me that set, it looks better on me than you