Challenge mode pandaria locked

I’ve been playing WoW since early 2013. My first character was a combat rogue. At the end of the Pandaria expansion, I managed to complete the Gold Challenge Mode with my rogue. In Pandaria, Dreaenor, and the beginning of Legion, my Gold CM transmog was intact. I stopped playing Legion and came back at the end of the expansion. When I came back, my transmog was no longer available for any rogue on my account. I have the achievement, the mounts, and the portals. Since what happened at the end of the Legion expansion, I’ve submitted numerous tickets over the years and always gotten the same answer (we can’t give you the transmog challenge mode). In one of the tickets, a GM was explicit in saying (we won’t be responding to any more tickets from you on this topic). So in 2013, I did the Gold Challenge Mode with my rogue. I got all the challenge items up until the beginning of the Legion expansion. When I stopped playing, and when I came back at the end of the expansion, one of the rewards disappeared from my account. It’s impossible that this only happened to me

Moving this over here since it is more of a CS issue.

It isn’t that you didn’t earn it, Hypy, but it seems that you earned it on a character that is on a closed license. The appearance would have been exclusive to that character until it was updated, I think around Legion.

In most cases you would have to log in with the character that earned the achievement for the status to refresh. I’m afraid that the main issue is, you cannot log into that character so the appearance, as it stands, likely won’t transfer to the entire account. Sorry.

The best I can recommend is you can report it as a bug. QA may be able to check if the system is working correctly.

Alternatively, you can submit a suggestion to ask that the system take into consideration all achievements, even if you haven’t logged into the character or cannot.


My read of this line is that QA may determine the system is or is not working correctly.

Just to set expectations here, Hypy.

Good luck.


Indeed. If it is supposed to automatically detect the achievement on a closed license, even if the character hadn’t been logged in since it was made account wide, then it would probably be considered a bug.


finally some GM gave me a satisfactory answer, I’ll try to forward it as a bug to see if I can recover the item, because as you said it’s on an inactive character but my Draenor CM was also on that character and even so it passed the weapon transmog to all accounts, I believe it’s a bug and I hope it gets resolved so I can get excited about playing rogue again

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Did this get resolved? Im having the same issue with my CM sets

Their post prior to yours indicates a bug report for investigation, but no direct restoration.

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