If you want realism, like chain mail bikinis don’t actually protect, then slender female characters, based on their muscle size, should not be allowed to carry heavy 2 handed swords. You can’t say, I don’t want chain mail bikinis, but I want to carry big swords. You can’t be selective in which fantasy universe law of physics can be applied.
In WoW, the world operates under different laws of physics. Wearing chain mail bikini = more agility, speed, for example elven women are able to feel the wind on their body when jumping through the trees, which helps them track like hunters, or get information like druids, via cyclone when they feel the wind on their body. When the leafs graze their abdomens, they get information from the forest telling them where the enemies are.
You gotta just imagine deeper.
You just said “Who woulda thought that males (of all species not just human mind you) are predisposed with a drive for the female body.” And my response was gay men wouldn’t. Your comment was quite heteronormative.
I remember reading a book long time ago that said Greek amazons marched through the streets of Athens naked on their way to war.
The Amazons were not Greek women. they were rumored to be of Persian decent. These women were encountered by Greek heroes who fought them.
Such as Hercules’s fight with the Amazon Queen hippolyta during the Trojan war.
What you are referring to I think is the Spartan State in Greece. Which during Athletic events had the parade of young athletes. Which had the young men and women parade casually through the streets of Sparta naked. To show off their athletic physiques. Note: Spartan women did not participate in war.
The mythic Amazons that the Greeks fought were depicted in some Greek artwork from the time period. As wearing similar armor as the Greek soldiers.
But the preponderance of the art and some chroniclers descriptions seem to point to the Amazons wearing Persian outfits which are a cloth long sleeve tunic over loose fitting cloth trousers. And they carried medium bows, arrows, javelins and a long knife, sometimes a small double headed axe, Sometimes a crescent shaped leather shield.
These were primarily ranged cavalry troops.
So, no not naked.
When you go to the beach. Are girls/women in bikinis or full metal armor?
That should answer your question about skimpy mail armor.
all the issues with wow,
all of the body postivity messages in the world…you think this is a thing worthy of blizzards attention?
You are quickly becoming one of my favorite posters.
Let’s not. None of us have time for this nonsense so let’s save us all a lot of heartache.
I’m going to be a little late. My neighbor’s dog buried my paper in a field two counties over.
No one is being forced to read any post in the forums. Your reply is irrelevant.
WoW doesn’t really have that much in the realm of mail bikinis.
Now, plate bikinis…
My girlfriend just loves using bikini armor in games. She is a historian by the way
We need more and higher quality stuff.
Everyone knows female armor is more protective the less it covers.
There’s mail booty shorts. They look extremely dated but iirc people use them a lot with the red belf scale armor even if the reds clash.
Sadly there aren’t many good revealing options for men on that front.
Also lol at OP, I thought the bizarrely heteronormative wiccan nelf player was a pure myth yet here is OP
What on earth does that even mean?
The whole “males are genetically programmed to ogle females” nonsense, it’s pop psychology at best, and extremely heteronormative to boot
Also there was once in the mists of time a mini cliche about toxic nelf rpers being mostly, like, people who were obsessed with hypernormative gender roles, but that mostly died out over the years except as a meme, unlike more modern and more tangible bad rp cliches (like mhp/mow)
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I think this is the right take. Add, not subtract.
Gosh. Is that the only thing that you take away from this op’s post? And if I understand what you are saying. It just sounds like a fancy way of calling the op a male chauvinistic pig. Is that correct?