Chain Ignitercoil

I’m getting them pretty regularly.

welp there goes down my last rare that has this item. 77% drop chance and nothing.

I crafted all the items you needed for rep. I’m sitting on 14. Haven’t even killed my rares yet today either. AND I have a mission for one

Well that’s some luck. I’ve got a lot of galv. Though I have created pieces of gear you may not have. It doesn’t really look like it either. I had a lot. Used em all up and now they aren’t dropping at all. FOR THREE DAYS. Like what is this…

They only drop from the Mechanical rares, you can ignore every rare that isn’t a robot.

If you are killing Troggs and Naga and Ettin and Birds that don’t ever drop a wheel mount, you won’t be seeing any Chain Igniter Coils.

I don’t get those galv things. I’ve gotten one from a chest since 8.2 hit live. That’s my luck :joy: and need one more to make a 420 item

They are the bottleneck in Mechagon crafting, you get 1 per day from the daily, a couple from one-off quests, and like 3% chance of getting them from chests.

I got a galv from the daily. and trust me I know which ones they drop from lmao

Ok, well you don’t have to be so snarky about it, you made a forum post and I’m trying to help you.

I’m not being snarky im laughing and facedesking at my own misfortune.

Right?!! I wish a lot of these ‘parts’ could be sold…

id definitely be the one buying them

Here I got a few i don’t need atm they are dropping like candy for me.

if only they weren’t soulbound :confused:

I have almost 20 of these and no idea what to do with them honestly. lol

You can use them to make the mechanical cat mount and trinket/rings

I had 3 or 4 of them. I had only played maybe twice in the area? Random is random.

Check your mission table, they can come as a reward from that too I think?

I wish they’d add a way to trade them for Galvanic Oscillators.


No one knows why they took it off the vendor?

I got a bunch of igniter coils from mission table, the main issue is that I need galvanic oscillators for my essence rank 2/3 for multiple specs…