Chain Ignitercoil

I saw the vendor when this patch started, 35k for an ignitercoil? PFTTT I said, but here I am killing the only 10 rares that drop these gosh darn things and not one has dropped in three whole days!! Now I’m wishing I would’ve bought them. Because I am revered and want to build somethings. I’m hoping somehow we can get another way to make igniter coils or get them.


You can also get them in chests, quest rewards, and from the mission table in your faction city.


the highest percentage of the chest drop is 4%… :confused: have all the quests I can do and I haven’t seen a mission table quest for it up yet :frowning:

I have 15 of them. Nothing to do with them as the tinkering doesn’t really draw my attention. I haven’t killed that many rares. Most are from chests and the mission table. Personally, I wish I could sell all these parts on the Auction House.


The first rare I killed dropped one and the first chest I found had one in it. I haven’t seen another since.


Good for you but if you tinker high lvl items and the quests to get revered like I did. you are left with nothing lmfao. So yea it’s pretty hard for me to get them at this point.

You asked for other ways to get some. I outlined some options. Use them or don’t. No skin off my back.


I asked if we can have other ways to get some. At this point the only reliable way for ME to get some is by killing those 10 rares. The chest are a .1-4% maybe. I know how to get them. I’m asking for new ways to get them.

If anything I figured they increased the drop rate for these. I am getting em quite often now recently.

Sorta defeats the point of “rare crafting material” if you can easily get em at will…no?


they’re apparently not that rare at all according to wowhead. But for the past 3 days. 0 have dropped for me

Why ask for new ways to get them when there are already a lot of ways to do so?

Man that’s some bad luck. I’m practically swimming in the things.


because I have spent 2-4 hours attempting to get them for 3 days and nothing?

i have 10 of them now and i don’t even need them. I need other, that’s even more rare. Saw it drop from rare just once. Rest from WQ sometimes

So you’ve been unlucky. That sucks. But it sounds like, in general, they aren’t difficult to regularly acquire.

They weren’t for me for the first week. We’ll see about it tomorrow… if I don’t receive one I’m going to have to write a bug report or something bc this is a tad bit ridiculous…

I’m almost 100% sure once you guys start building and kill every single rare on mechagon like I have the igniters will be very scarce . They’re just handing them out like candy for the beginning stage.

I have killed nearly every rare on mechagon. Still dropping.

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Sounds like my dating history …darn its tough

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They still drop. It’s scarce but they still drop. I might get a couple one day and a bit more another day. Didn’t bother buying them from the vendor.

Wonder why they removed it from the vendor? The cost was prohibitive enough to keep most people from buying them.

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