What? Stop it.
This is exactly what is happening to me as well. I am fine if I am n legion or some other zone but every toon I have in DF DC’s in the first 10-20 seconds.
EDIT: I lied. Was on for 10 minutes and disconnected.
Tried the password reset someone up there mentioned, it seems to have fixed it, only for 15 mins without dc now, will update if it changes.
what he said
why is this still going on 12 hours later
well thats what we get with this small independant company
Changed my password, verified files etc. Still getting Disconnects. I’m in EST and Retail
i know.
logic isn’t welcome around these parts.
Yeah, I thought it was because I was playing with some dude from Ragnaros or because my computer was having issues.
There is a post in the Tech Support forum from a Support Forum Agent. The tech folks have been looking into this and are asking for more information. It looks like they are trying to see what might be in common between people having the issue. Such as issues along the internet backbone that might be in common for example. One of the things they would like are WinMTR runs. That looks at your data traffic through every hop from your PC to their servers, including packet loss. Run it for 10 mins or so then post it if you wish to contribute. Here is the Blue post and Tech Support thread.
If the problem went away when your password changed, that may an issue of someone has found out your password and they were trying to log in when you were on id look into getting some virus scans going just to be safe.
Stop posting please. You attention seekers are all the same.
attention seeking would be… posting about a tech issue in GD.
nobody in GD can do anything to help.
go post over in tech support, and give some information which can be used to help with the issue.
welp, after 25 mins without the dc’s after changing the password the whole process just began again and dcing every 10 seconds again
You can ignore the thread weirdo.
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Yeah same here i’m East Coast and dealing the same thing as you for two days straight. Didnt happen to me til 1 AM - 4/19/2023 til Present time every 10 minutes into gameplay.
I get disconnected when I’m on a mount in certain areas in Dragonflight (and one area in Draenor). I think it has to do with quest phasing, though I’m not sure. (But that isn’t limited to last night so I’m not sure if it is related.)
That is separate, you are correct Right now they are trying to deal with the large issue that started yesterday and is impacting a wide swath of players.
if anyone wants to try and be pro-active about the issues you’re experiencing, tech support is located here.
Info on how to submit WinMTR info can be found here.
Are they going to fix this or nah?
For me this is the second game breaking bug this season. Last one took them 2 weeks to fix.