I’ve been experiencing chain disconnects since about 7pm est. I originally thought it was due to a large population on one server maybe crashing due to server instability or another DDOS attack. However I was still experiencing it outside of main areas and even in the VOTI raid during our relclear. It just chaining disconnects, I’m maybe able to move for 5min other times I get dc/ed ever 10s it seems. Has anyone else been experiencing chain disconnects / have gotten it fixed? I updated drivers, deleted cookies, restarted computer, restarted router, and I’ve been opening WoW as an admin! Any help would be appreciated, thanks!
Did you unplug it and plug it back in?
My internets been weird the last day or two. My guess is youre experiencing that as well
East coast here - I’ve been getting disconnected all night too. Starting to get annoying because it’s happening every few minutes.
(Once it has happened in the middle of running back to a dungeon entrance with Burning Rush activated. -_- That was a fun moment of panic trying to get back to my Warlock who was, in fact, still quite on fire by the time I got back to him.)
Been looking for something on their twitter account, a ddos or anything. But at least glad since not the only one, and yeah also began around 7. I get in, and then after about 10 seconds i dc, and it just keeps happening, on every alt. I’ve tried disabling all addons but the same thing keeps happening, also tried deleting cache folder, no dice. Every now and then it seems ok for about 1 to 5 minutes and then it begins again with the dc’s every 10 seconds.
add my accnt to this
I’ve been getting disconnected over and over again tonight as well. If it’s a problem with my internet connection, then it’s a problem that somehow only affects WoW because everything else works
Same here, it sucks.
Kicked all night long over and over as well = /sadpanda
Wow, same. It has had me too anxious to queue ranked. I’m been getting kicked off every 10-15 minutes although I can get back in instantly. It’s just…really weird.
What are we at hour five and still no fix or update? Absolute joke.
Hopefully they are updating their data server
Yea iv been DCing in classic and on retail today all day
I’ve been getting disconnected every half hour or so. It seems like it happens when I’m on the move rather than fighting something. I’m playing Classic. A lot of people there are complaining about disconnects.
Started getting chain disconnects at around 12 ish, It’s now 1:30 AM Est. Arygos. Thinking pre crap. or DDoS. ->> Retail Btw.
Yep it started roughly 30 mins ago for me. I just started DC’ing on all my toons cannot stay logged in for more than like 30 secs at a time. The odd thing was roughly two hours previously some really annoying people (I saw two in tandem) were running around in the city I was in ( I think I was in Northend Dal perhaps at the time and opening random trade windows) I was like why are you trying to trade with me via whisper and a few mins later they were like Blizzard won’t let us it was just one gold. Seemed a bit odd, I played for quite awhile longer and way later I got a random string of numbers from the person I whispered via text. I finished with that toon, logged into a second for a few mins and then when I went to log into the 3rd toon is when the constant DC started. Hopefully it’s not related to the weird opening up trade windows people doing something to accounts. Retail
posts like this always make my eye twitch.
the rest of the internet doesn’t take the same route as your computer to blizzards servers.
that doesn’t mean it’s a problem with blizzards servers.
there are plenty of places between your computer and blizzards servers where things can go wrong.
what sort of update do you want?
have you checked with your ISP for outages?
blizzard don’t own the internet.
it seems more likely that it’s a hop on the way to blizzards servers.
it’s clearly only impacting a small number of people.
if it was blizzards servers, there would be forum riots after 5 hours.
instead, there’s a tech thread with about 60 people experiencing issues across the span of 6 hours.
The hamster must have went on strike. More Cheese, Please. Blizzard.
It’s not an internet problem.
I’ve been getting disconnected all night as well.
I have Youtube running on the TV beside me without issue at all.
And have a few windows running in the background of WoW, also without issue,
It’s a WoW issue.
I have a friend that was getting chain disconnects. They are in the midwest. I am in CA and haven’t had one. Could be your local connections?