Doesn’t matter how long. If they spread this incentive over 3 years he may jettison now OR muster the courage to right the ship. In a year all he has to do is fire people, outsource, and get things on life support to make the numbers look “good”. He’s going to wait a year for 15m unless he has something else cooking that nets him more, even if he hates his job.
Definitely. I was literally the last regular employee at my store. The store closed on Wednesday, August 29th permanently. I came in the next morning to finish the sales deposit and then frantically pack up it, the register tills, and the rest of the store vault to beat Brinks coming in.
By 1pm the HR Manager had terminated me. At 5pm she terminated the managers. The next morning she and the General Manager were terminated at corporate.
This is a great point, and something that should really be discussed. Do you know that over half of the workforce in the United States is drivers? OTR Semi Drivers, delivery drivers, and so forth. What’s going to happen once self driving cars are the norm?
I’d say within 10 years, and that they barriers to adoption are not the technology, but people. I for one won’t have an autodrive car until I’m forced to.
Because it really makes the issue less prominent when you think he only got shy of $4mil and shares instead of $15mil while hundreds of people lost their lively hood?
It’s not justified which ever way you look at it.
Only? I’m sure that they could have cut him to 450k a year, he still gets to be a millionaire with a little hard work and a dozen actual people could keep their middle class level incomes. This kind of wealth gap is so absolutely pathetic.
It really shows the state of things when we have billionaire politicians, billionaire enheritance CEOs, Cool Kid Club millionaire executives, and then everyone else gets their taxes raised and salaries gauged in order to give MORE money to the above mentioned.
I went to school for computer programming and it will take me some ~18 years to earn 900k gross. Is that guy really THAT much smarter or more valuable than someone who does real work? Nobody needs that kind of income, it all goes into frivolous luxury or into a bank account for eternity because people that rich collect wealth as a hobby.
It has finally got to the point where I can’t support Blizzard. I am so disappointed in the company. I love WoW, I love my toons, I love the lore and for 10 years it’s been a massive part of my life. Today I renewed my FFXIV sub.
By the statements own admission, it was in preparation to maximize profit moving forward. It’s not that they couldn’t pay them, it’s that why pay them at all when they can lay them off and redirect that money elsewhere? Company executives don’t give a crap about their employees.
I really hate to break it to you but if you are buying tokens then you gave someone that token’s USD worth in gold, which they bought from Blizzard, so indirectly you caused Blizzard to earn that much money anyways. You might as well be paying a sub as far as profit goes.
Tokens are slightly more expensive than a straight sub so Blizzard made more money from a sub + a token than they would have from just two subs.
I’m not posting my actual earnings online. But 900k / 18 is 50,000. Many folks would jump for a steady salary at that number so the point I made is absolutely valid.