CFO bonus and lay offs

The purpose of a listed entity to make profits for its shareholders.

They’re not a charity, why are people jumping up and down…

And some other company can offer him more. They wanted him back and that’s what they felt he was worth.

It’s the same reason LeBron James gets $35,654,150 instead of the minimum of $582,180.

Median household salary in United States is $56,000. So yes, 18 years would be just over $900k.

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Uh, most corporate leaders are workaholics. And if hard work was the only thing that mattered in making money, people would just be digging useless holes.

Why do people defend this hill?

Your income isn’t going to be $56k for your entire work career. It should increase by at least 10 over the period.

But you also aren’t going to start at $56k for your working career.
The value is simply the median value of households in the US. Some people earn more, some earn less.

Doesn’t feel like a fair comparison. Why judge a successful person by such a low common denominator.

Because it’s a short-term gain for long-term loss when they treat the customer base that keeps the entity in business the way it has. Their products will suffer if they add the CONSISTENT strain of drive for continued gains, (not losing money IS LOSING MONEY to shareholders, gains must always be made) on a diminished staff. A layoff of 800ish people will add strain to their current staff and the push for more gain will continue. Products will suffer, fan base will also lose out watching their favorite stories and franchises fall to the wayside all for the cashgrab pushed by shareholders and mismanagement.

People are mad because employees got canned all for the sake of higher gain, not recovery from loss. The argument that if they made more they wouldn’t have had to lay so many off only perpetuates the problem at its core.

Edit: Sorry for run-on sentences.


Exactly this. The issue is not that Blizzard laid off 800 people. The issue is that Blizard laid off 800 people, reported record profits in the same breath, and gave the new executive a 3.75 MILLION dollar bonus for taking the job, along with another 10M in stocks, plus almost a million a year in salary hardly a month before all of this was announced.

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It’s funny reading this because that’s how capitalism works. This is how your system is built, max profits on assets employed.

The alternative is Socialism or Market Capitalism.

How is it funny? Yes, this is what happens under capitalism. The other side of capitalism at work is what comes through forums like this.

When a business doesn’t operate in a way you like, you don’t give them business and the ones who operate in a way deemed better, they get the money. This forum is a way to spread knowledge about what’s happening in the world and keeping people informed.

I don’t find it laughable as much as disgusting and sad. We grew up as gamers and want to play games, not just be the livestock in the yard. I support the artists and story-tellers that make great games, I pull back when it’s dominated by shareholders cutting corners for more money.

Wow, my run-on sentences are horrible. Editing some out.

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Not only that activision had record year.

So? There are redundant expenses, removed. It’s how business operates.

Staggering number of armchair economists in here.

Today, for me, it became impossible.

Sub ticking down to March 21.

I’d be mad beyond belief if I were in your shoes, thank you for your service. DC is indeed the problem, you are correct about which “side” as well typically.

I kinda see it as just one self serving blob now lol

Not to derail the thread, but thank you for your service.