CFO bonus and lay offs

Cost of living continues to go up everywhere. The greatest irony of all is that people keep arguing about the wrong things and making irrelevant things relevant.

It won’t be too long when it won’t matter if you flip burgers or make 30 dollars a hour elsewhere from a college education or climbing through the ranks.

People won’t be able to afford stuff and this will explode once automation will truly become mainstream.

Something will have to be done.


That’s true, it never happened before 2016. I remember making millions as a grocery store cashier back in the 00s!


As much as I would love to see Blizzard split as I believe they could if they wanted and they own all of their intellectual property which is all of their games they published, I just don’t see it happening anytime soon. Especially since they now have CoD and Destiny 2 on bnet.

Yes my idealism is just fine. Unlike these uneducated socialist, commie wannabees trolling this thread. I just LOL’d until i peed my pants to the socialist comment about Fire departments, Police departments, Roads, and the big LOL Social Security.

Since day one when we became a country, not even the great super powers of the time could keep up with us. The saddest part to me is that after WWll, a war we did not want to get dragged into in Europe, WE REBUILT the UK, France, Germany, and Japan.

That was a pretty crappy thing to do for such a greedy, evil, greedy country. Just thank god we wised up and ditched FDR’s “New Deal” by the time we so selfishly rebuilt those countries.

Its VERY apparent in this thread that these people have no real idea how destructive socialism really is. They just hear “Free stuf” and have no idea how to pay for it.

But AOC does, she says that we can just print more money. Something i am betting most of these socialist supporters think also.

I just can not imagine the US going down that path, because if it does, i HOPE theres booths for $.25 like in Futurama that help you get out of that insanity.

Semper Fi my friend, even though i was USAF. :slight_smile:


Letting companies keep more of their money is not a bad thing. Companies hire, pay employees etc. Do you think the government after taking that extra money is doing something with it to benefit you, or those people being layed off? What businesses do with there money and who they hire/fire is up to the people who run them

And how do you the think a Democrat is in any way good for WoW? You won’t be able to afford it after they raise your taxes. Oh let’s not forget ‘a green new deal’ and how that will change your lifestyle, here let me educate you on how socialism works

All fossil fuels gone in 12 years. Hope you dont have a vehicle that uses fuel, if you do, to bad for you. Hope you never have to travel farther than you can peddle a bike or you can afford a brand new electric car!

Hope you dont have a house that uses electricity, heats or cooks with gas. If you do, well to bad for you. You better get to retro fitting your house with solar panels and installing a wood stove otherwise no computer for you (let alone wow service)

Anything else that you have that runs on fossil fuels? I dont know, a mower, weed eater, snow blower, chain saw, four wheeler, snow mobile to name some things. Hope you have lots of money to buy electric versions of those things. Let’s hope you dont fly anywhere, in you know, airplanes. I’m sure you get the point here, your not going to afford a WoW sub at this point.

Now, how about 100% government ‘free’ healthcare. Do you have a health plan from a company you work for? If you do, well say goodbye to that and the drs. You used. If you dont, yeah your taxes will go way, way up because you will be put on the gov. Plan. You didn’t believe it was free, right? You do pay it for, through taxation. The government collects/spends the money vs. An insurance company. Oh, who better than a Democrat living in DC, on a premium health plan figuring out the details on your non-premimum version

Now that the gov. Pays for your healthcare, now they can tell you what to eat. Hope you like the mandated food menu. Like China you will only be allowed to eat what the gov. Says. You will have to meet a certain weight, hip size and meet certain biometrics stats (blood pressure, glucose etc.). Do you think sitting at a comp playing WoW is healthy? Sorry, think again. If you dont meet their ‘healthy’ stats, get ready to pay a tax penilty.

Say goodbye to hamburgers, because you know, cow farts need to be reduced also. Think that’s a joke? Nope sorry, that was a real statement in the green deal proposal put forth by, yep a Democrat. I guess you might like those fake meat burgers, soy? Mmm

How about free schooling. College. Oh silly you, there again, not actually free. Your just not paying a bank for the loan, now you just pay… wait for it… the gov. With more taxes. Whether your in college or not. And because the government is paying for your school, now they can make you take certain classes and influence your education path. Some people call this social engineering and is your ‘reeducation’

With your comment, wouldn’t surprise me a bit if you actually didn’t have a job and are already living off of the government but let’s pretend your working and a blue collar worker. Does your company rely on fossil fuels to operate, oh they do? Yeah, get ready for your layoff since your company has to pay for overhauling their energy source and consumption methods. In fact only large corporations will survive this, small businesses will go out of business.

Oh, get ready to pay more for your WoW sub and everything else you buy in the world. You didn’t think companies were going to pay for all these massive social changes did you? Oh no, they pass that cost on to the consumer

Best of all, they want to provide funds (money) to both people who are unable and… unwilling to work. Oh, do you think that’s free also? Not if you work, more taxes for people who work and make money. You didn’t actually think, only the ‘rich’ would pay for all this did you? People like Jeff Bezos whom has his workers at distribution facilities who make so little they qualify for food stamps, and he’s a Democrat!

Vote in a Democrat to make WoW better you say because somehow Democrates are pro business? Lol


This isn’t how salaries work. It isn’t based on need. You want salaries based on need you need to seek out political entities that follow the Marxian diatribe of From each according to his ability to each according to his need.

Here in the United States the way it works is you are paid via contractual relationship and you are paid based on what you negotiate with the entity responsible for hiring firing and paying you.

Besides that who are YOU to decide what others may or may not need to ‘sustain’ themselves? Oh that’s right. In that equation you aren’t anyone. You aren’t even an interested party.

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How is that any different than any other possible incentive?

It’s called the golden parachute. If you throw lots of short-term money at someone they aren’t required to stick around and be held accountable for their actions - they fudge the numbers just enough, cash out, head to the next company and repeat. Meanwhile, that business is left in a state of disrepair and unless someone comes in with a vision for the long term the company won’t be around in the long term.

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Only? 900k

Considering this guy has been here for a while. :man_shrugging:

I’d like to say that of that 15 million only 1 million was actually cash. The rest of the bonus was dealt out as stock options which will vary based on market and performance.

And to well manage a business on a strategic level you need a balance scorecard with different KPIs and one category of KPIs you need is : customers.
More specificly customer SATISFACTION.
And assuming that /played is equivalent to customer SATISFACTION is really really bad management and has zero value.
If they really stopped asking why you unscrib when you do so… there are out of touch in what I like to call : « the crystal tower »
That is what happens when shareholders call the shots and there are plenty of research to show that this is NOT the way to go.
It is sad because like all of you posting here I love This company for what it created (WoW and Diablo mostly for my part) and it is very sad to see them go the way they are going.

Those people also don’t sit on their wealth like dragons sitting on piles of gold.

They invest it in new opportunities giving others the chance to use that money to implement new ideas and take chances at creating new and beneficial things for society.

That wealth, again, is private property, not a communal fund. But it’s also incredibly useful and being used in far more efficient ways than if we allowed the politicians to get their grubby mitts on it via taxes and waste it on what usually turns out to be complete boondoggles.

Beyond that, all taxes are wasteful. They create what’s called economic inefficiencies via dead weight loss. To take the pie analogy, they literally take the pie, and make the pie smaller, even while they are redistributing pieces of the pie.

And it’s worse than that. Because while many economist have proposed that government spending has a positive modifier, that is that for every dollar spent by the government it actually creates more than a dollar of economic activity. In reality, only negative modifiers have only ever been measured, that means that for every dollar spent by the government, less than a dollar of economic activity is truly generated. Private investment gets crowded out by government action.

So, not only does the government spend our money less effectively than private citizens making distributed decisions, and causes net loss to the economy via taxation… it frequently spends it on things that are just a complete waste of time.

Look at what just happened in Atlanta for the Super Bowl. They spent $23 million dollars creating a foot bridge for pedestrians specifically to be used for the Super Bowl… and then it was deemed a security risk, so no one was allowed to use it. Now they have a very expensive art project that will never see a return on investment.

There are legitimate things that the government does, and only the government can really do. I’m not arguing it’s all waste. But so much of it is, and so much of the over spending that’s happening is starting to create vast pathologies in things like Health care where government intervention has so completely destroyed any market power to keep prices under control in a manner that citizens can actually afford, and creating a runaway national debt that in not too long will eat up all discretionary spending in interest payments alone… that if we don’t stop we’re all of us going to be in bad shape.

If you think the downturn that happened in 2008 when the bottom dropped out of the housing market because of the sub-prime mortgage mess was bad, wait until investors start to realize that the government will never be able to pay them back, no matter what the promise is of the nations full faith and credit. Our national debt is already many multiple times higher than the total money supply. So when that happens… well, hope you’ve already passed on because the amount of human misery and suffering that will happen is going to be catastrophic and probably never been seen before in the course of human history.

And the politicians and we as citizens will be entirely at fault for continuing to vote in people who pretend none of it matters.


The board of directors feels he’s worth it. Go take the issue up with them if you disagree and own stock in the company.

If you want some perspective though… in the middle of its bankruptcy hearing, which ultimately lead to the liquidation of the entire company, Bonton Stores paid its CEO a $900,000 “retention bonus”. He had not even been on the job a year. The icing on the cake was a US Federal Judge approved the bonus.

And they are not also a high end manager at a multi million dollar company. I mean you can only expect to make so much at McDonalds…

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Because every job pays the same as McDonald’s except being a high end manager at a multi billion dollar company.

Because 99% of the jobs are on the same level as what this guy is stepping into? The vast majority of people out there wouldn’t have the slightest clue how to do what he was hired to do.

You have to agree: something is wrong with the system when the system rewards failure of that magnitude.

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99% of American publicly traded corporations do this.

Boeing once had a 10-year backlog of orders and laid people off.
The company I worked for had BILLIONS in cash… and laid people off. And even now after 5 straight years of top-of-the-line annual performance reviews my largest raise in the last 5 years has been just over 2%, which is a like a cost-of-living raise. And lucky me because most people didn’t get raises.

If the stock isn’t performing as expected regular workers get laid off because management has to show that they are doing something to right the ship and then they Board will give out big fricken bonuses to upper management.

And what good does all that cash do? Plenty when it goes to stock buybacks, dividends, which is great for those that own lots and lots of the stock (like upper management). And cash gets used for buying other companies.

This by the way, is why “trickle down economics” never benefits the middle class.

Most of that is stock- which requires him to make sure the company is doing better- which is good for the company and likely us- and that stock is really only valuable if the company is doing well.

Every big company gives bonuses to attract the people that make the biggest decisions, because those decisions can affect the jobs of thousands of people, and millions of customers. It might seem like a lot- but consider that many of your favourite actors and actresses take home similar amounts for a single movie or for a few episodes of a show- while nearly everyone else in the movie industry is close to minimum wage and faces poor job security.

You might not like it, but that’s the norm for all major companies. At the end of the day- they make this amount because rather than spending your money on indie companies that don’t do this, you’re here- complaining on your KB, while praising them with your wallet.