Letting companies keep more of their money is not a bad thing. Companies hire, pay employees etc. Do you think the government after taking that extra money is doing something with it to benefit you, or those people being layed off? What businesses do with there money and who they hire/fire is up to the people who run them
And how do you the think a Democrat is in any way good for WoW? You won’t be able to afford it after they raise your taxes. Oh let’s not forget ‘a green new deal’ and how that will change your lifestyle, here let me educate you on how socialism works
All fossil fuels gone in 12 years. Hope you dont have a vehicle that uses fuel, if you do, to bad for you. Hope you never have to travel farther than you can peddle a bike or you can afford a brand new electric car!
Hope you dont have a house that uses electricity, heats or cooks with gas. If you do, well to bad for you. You better get to retro fitting your house with solar panels and installing a wood stove otherwise no computer for you (let alone wow service)
Anything else that you have that runs on fossil fuels? I dont know, a mower, weed eater, snow blower, chain saw, four wheeler, snow mobile to name some things. Hope you have lots of money to buy electric versions of those things. Let’s hope you dont fly anywhere, in you know, airplanes. I’m sure you get the point here, your not going to afford a WoW sub at this point.
Now, how about 100% government ‘free’ healthcare. Do you have a health plan from a company you work for? If you do, well say goodbye to that and the drs. You used. If you dont, yeah your taxes will go way, way up because you will be put on the gov. Plan. You didn’t believe it was free, right? You do pay it for, through taxation. The government collects/spends the money vs. An insurance company. Oh, who better than a Democrat living in DC, on a premium health plan figuring out the details on your non-premimum version
Now that the gov. Pays for your healthcare, now they can tell you what to eat. Hope you like the mandated food menu. Like China you will only be allowed to eat what the gov. Says. You will have to meet a certain weight, hip size and meet certain biometrics stats (blood pressure, glucose etc.). Do you think sitting at a comp playing WoW is healthy? Sorry, think again. If you dont meet their ‘healthy’ stats, get ready to pay a tax penilty.
Say goodbye to hamburgers, because you know, cow farts need to be reduced also. Think that’s a joke? Nope sorry, that was a real statement in the green deal proposal put forth by, yep a Democrat. I guess you might like those fake meat burgers, soy? Mmm
How about free schooling. College. Oh silly you, there again, not actually free. Your just not paying a bank for the loan, now you just pay… wait for it… the gov. With more taxes. Whether your in college or not. And because the government is paying for your school, now they can make you take certain classes and influence your education path. Some people call this social engineering and is your ‘reeducation’
With your comment, wouldn’t surprise me a bit if you actually didn’t have a job and are already living off of the government but let’s pretend your working and a blue collar worker. Does your company rely on fossil fuels to operate, oh they do? Yeah, get ready for your layoff since your company has to pay for overhauling their energy source and consumption methods. In fact only large corporations will survive this, small businesses will go out of business.
Oh, get ready to pay more for your WoW sub and everything else you buy in the world. You didn’t think companies were going to pay for all these massive social changes did you? Oh no, they pass that cost on to the consumer
Best of all, they want to provide funds (money) to both people who are unable and… unwilling to work. Oh, do you think that’s free also? Not if you work, more taxes for people who work and make money. You didn’t actually think, only the ‘rich’ would pay for all this did you? People like Jeff Bezos whom has his workers at distribution facilities who make so little they qualify for food stamps, and he’s a Democrat!
Vote in a Democrat to make WoW better you say because somehow Democrates are pro business? Lol