Certain Runes becoming Baseline

Given what is said here in the update thread, which runes do you think are going baseline?

I personally think Victory Rush will be one.


I foresee a TON of the Paladin runes being integrated. It’s gonna make so many people so mad LOL


If they make Riptide resto only… I will delete my Ele! LOL


at the very least, definitely exorcist and probably rebuke


Lion better be on that list, hunters are tired of being forced into it instead of getting to enjoy gameplay altering runes like lone wolf in pve.

They have so many hunter runes that need a heavy rework because they are absolute trash or have 0 scaling value.


lion, wild strikes, main gauche, rebuke, prayer of mending

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Probably runes that are just in slots that that essentially require you to pick it and gimp yourself in some content. Like ret paladins interrupt. arcane blast for healing mages.

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This is obviously for feral Druids.




Pretty much all the non tank Runes for Rogue can be baked in, sans Brew, BtE and HAT.

Might as well just bake in Combat Potency and Focused Attacks. Focused Attacks is for parse lords, literally no other Rogue will use it. There’s some choice on the wrist I guess, but Unfair Advantage basically just sucks, might as well baseline it.

Shamans are not in that list except for nerfs.

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Consecrate is the biggest thing that needs to become baseline for Paladins. Having it locked behind the holy tree is really stupid.

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yeah but I don’t see them changing anything with the actual talent trees so rune stuff is the best we can hope for

exorcist will 100% be baseline, som maybe.

Lion and Wild Strikes probably need to be baked into the class; they are practically mandatory because they are not only the singular sources of kings/WF for horde/alliance, but they are objectively superior to the original buffs themselves.

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im hoping they make slaughter from the shadows baseline because as is it doesnt seem worth it to ever pick that for pve and go backstab over deadly brew and mut.

rebuke for paladins needs to be baseline.

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Out of all the problems that paladins have, this doesn’t even make the top 10.

I hope SOM! :muscle:

We wouldn’t be able to reach late phase 6 levels of DPS if they don’t do this, so they better hurry and inflate it as much as possible!

Gotta make room for more runes that scale into the stratosphere and ensure all classes can one shot each other and the game is even more of a joke.