Centaur as allied race

If Blizzard Entertainment decided to create a Centaur allied race in “World of Warcraft,” they would likely integrate unique characteristics and traditions of the centaurs into the gameplay and lore of the game. Let’s imagine how this race could be introduced:

Lore and Introduction

The centaurs, traditionally considered barbaric and nomadic warriors, could undergo a significant transformation by allying with one of the main factions. A particular tribe of centaurs might have learned to coexist peacefully with other races, perhaps after a catastrophic event that necessitated alliances.


The centaurs could be introduced as a neutral race, with the option to choose between the Alliance and the Horde, similar to the Pandaren.

Racial Abilities


  • Unbridled Gallop: Increases movement speed by 20% for 10 seconds.
  • Rain of Arrows: An ability that allows the centaur to fire a barrage of arrows, causing area damage.
  • Nature’s Bond: Receives a 1% bonus to healing received.
  • Ancient Wisdom: Increases reputation gains by 10%.


  • Wild Charge: Allows the centaur to quickly charge towards a target, dealing damage and stunning it for 2 seconds.
  • Steppe Fury: Increases critical strike chance by 1%.
  • Warrior Resilience: Reduces damage taken by 1%.
  • Tribal Strength: Increases proficiency in a specific profession, such as Leatherworking or Blacksmithing, by 10%.

Available Classes

The centaurs could have access to several classes, respecting their warrior traditions and connection to nature:

  • Warrior
  • Hunter
  • Shaman
  • Druid
  • Rogue
  • Monk

Racial Mount

Since centaurs already have an equine form, they might not need conventional mounts. Instead, they could have abilities that significantly increase their movement speed in areas where mounts would typically be used.

Capital and Starting Zone

Capital: A nomadic city that moves across the plains of Kalimdor or the Eastern Kingdoms.
Starting Zone: A vast and open area representing the steppes where the centaurs live, full of challenges and quests that introduce the centaurs’ history and their transition to a more cooperative society.


Players could customize their centaurs with a variety of features, such as:

  • Types of tails and hooves.
  • Skin patterns and colors.
  • Hairstyles and tribal adornments.
  • War markings and body paints.

Unlock Quest

Players could be sent on an epic quest to earn the trust of the centaurs. This might involve helping in a major battle, resolving internal conflicts, or performing sacred rituals.

These are just a few initial ideas, but a Centaur allied race could bring new and exciting dynamics to "World of Warcraft.

Visual Description of Centaur Allied Race

General Appearance


  • Lower Part: Equine body with four legs, muscular and robust. The coat can vary in colors, such as brown, black, gray, and even patterns like spots or stripes.
  • Upper Part: Humanoid torso with well-defined musculature. Skin in varying tones, from pale to darker shades.


  • Features: Rugged features, with strong jaws and expressive eyes. Long hair, often braided or adorned with tribal accessories.

Hair and Adornments:

  • Hair Styles: Variety of styles, including long and loose, mohawks, dreadlocks, and braids. Adornments such as feathers, bones, and ribbons.
  • War Marks: Facial and body paints, tribal tattoos that highlight their warrior culture.

Equipment and Armor


  • Light: Made of leather and hide, with metal details. Equipment that allows mobility and agility.
  • Heavy: Reinforced metal plates on legs and torso, still maintaining a design that allows movement.

Weapons: Spears, bows, axes, and greatswords. Weapons that reflect their tradition of hunting and melee combat.

Wings of Cenarius

  • Wing Style: Ethereal, luminescent wings with a natural design. Similar to angel wings but with elements of leaves and green lights, highlighting Cenarius’s divine blessing.
  • Animations: Wings that softly glow and move gracefully, with green light effects while flying.

Starting Zone

Environment: A vast plain with gentle hills, dense vegetation, and tribal camps. Natural elements like ancient trees and sacred stones.

Structures: Tents and huts made of wood and leather, adorned with totems and tribal symbols.

Visual References

To help a graphic artist, you can look for inspiration from the following visual references:

  • Centaurs in WoW: Look at the current representations of centaurs in the game.
  • Druids and Cenarius: Visual elements of druids and Cenarius can be used to inspire the centaurs’ wings and adornments.
  • Tribal Culture: References from indigenous and tribal cultures to paint an authentic picture of war marks, tattoos, and adornments.

I can’t post any images because of the lvl 3 thing, but the idea is on the post’s text so…what do you all think ?

Now, the hardest part :

Lore and Justification for Wings

To justify the presence of wings on centaurs, we could create a narrative involving Cenarius, the demigod of the forest and guardian of the druids. The story could be as follows:

Story: After facing a great threat that nearly led to their extinction, the centaurs sought the help of Cenarius. Impressed by their determination and desire for change, Cenarius decided to bless a tribe of centaurs with wings, allowing them to become more versatile and adaptable. This gift transformed them into a new and unique race, known as Winged Centaurs.

Flying Mount

Name: Wings of Cenarius
Description: With the blessing of Cenarius, the winged centaurs can summon their spiritual wings to fly, gracefully moving through the skies of Azeroth.

Flight Implementation

Appearance: The wings can be ethereal and filled with light, similar to angelic wings, highlighting Cenarius’s divine blessing. They could have a natural design, with leaves and green lights, reflecting their connection to nature. Animations: The flight animation should be elegant, with smooth wing movements, differentiating them from conventional mounts.

Unlock Quest

To unlock the ability to fly, players could embark on a series of missions that involve:

  • Helping Cenarius: Performing tasks on behalf of Cenarius, proving the strength and honor of the centaurs.
  • Sacred Rituals: Participating in ancient rituals to gain the trust of nature spirits.
  • Epic Battles: Defending sacred lands against invaders, showcasing the valor of the winged centaurs.

Customization and Personalization

Wings: Various wing styles, with different colors and effects. Skin and Hoof Patterns: Diversity in appearances to further customize the characters.

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Baine’s eye twitches


Don’t use ChatGPT for things like this, think for yourself.

The horde has a singular Centaur member already, but that’s it. I kinda wish the Gelkis joined in Cata, but they got genericized with the desolace revamp.

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I wanna be the Centaur of attention :smiley:

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I hate Attention horse.


They won’t do it. I’m not sure if we’ll ever see another race with a brand new skeleton rig.

Uhm. No.


Using ChatGPT correctly means going back and editing its errors. 10% rep won’t happen for a racial ever again.

That’s actually an excellent argument for inviting them to the Horde.

I stopped reading since it was an AI’s point of view and not an actual person point of view.

Centaur can’t ride ground, flying and aquatic mounts. We have enough furry races don’t need anymore.


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But floofy races are fun… and cuddly… and if one is sociopathic enough and doesn’t want to cuddle with them, you could just light them ablaze instead. I wouldn’t, I like my furry and floofy characters, but I’m just saying that if one really dislikes them that much one can just argue that they should dynamically react to fire-school spells.

Still though, I’d rather hug a vulperan.

I just feel that diversity in animals should be expanding more outside the furry concept, like adding naga or Jinyu as playable. We have a reptile race (dracthyr) which is new.

Nope. The Plains, while gorgeous, is my least favorite DF zone because of all the centaur. I never want to see any more again.

I didn’t get into the Dragonflight centaurs at all. They just seem like human torsos stuck on a horse body.

I’d love it if they keep the new skeleton, but resculpt the model to be more like the vanilla centaur. Those guys were intriguing, moody, aggressive and warlike …like a bachelor band of wild stallions.

I already made a post about this in the past, with almost the same ideas. I even think that GPT might have used old posts, including mine, as a basis now, which is quite… strange.

I stopped reading after that.

I’m curious how would Leg Sweep or RSK look like.

Edit: Actually, pretty much any monk skill.

/emote sleep would do nothing.

*Idly sipping coffee. *

*Spits coffee across his desk. *
