not even a tiny bit similar.
that person may have a reason why they need to do that.

it doesn’t matter if a person turns off their profanity filter, when people shouldn’t be swearing regardless.
you are the one in control of your keyboard.

so was the guy who punched me, he was in charge of his fists. i didn’t break the rules. but i was the instigator.

knowingly putting yourself into a bad situation then crying when you’re the victim is often nearly as bad as being the offender, in non-violent circumstances. in fact, it’s almost no different than the person who breaks the rules then cries when punished.

Once again you take the argument to the extreme edge of rationality to not make any point at all.

Please explain to me how the presence of the mature language filter somehow allows people to break the rules about profanity?

Shall we use an extreme example like you do?

By following your argument to the extreme, the fact that police officers have bulletproof vests available allows you to shoot police officers, and it is the officers fault for getting hurt if they aren’t wearing one when they get shot.


i feel like it probably isn’t the first time someone has punched you.

you sound like one of those people who think women should wear blankets, or it’s their fault when they’re attacked by predators.

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yes. at the end of the day, you’re responsible for your own well being, and we all play the odds accordingly. if you go to the grocery store, that’s one thing. if you are dealing with criminals all the time, your odds are higher so perhaps more precautions could be taken. how much you are willing to look out for your own well being is up to you. but having a completely external locus of control while operating on the assumption everything is going to go according to plan, rules, and law, is ignorant and creates issues for no one but yourself.

we cant ban hurricanes so we build stronger houses. we banned killing people and theft, but it is still a good idea to have a home alarm system and a form of defense. if you don’t prepare for the realities of the world, or go out of your way to experience them and then dislike how they feel, that’s your fault. you can blame everybody else, and they may be to blame. but you’re to blame, too, because often, if you had been prudent and in some instances, like this, not gone out of your way to risk harm, you wouldn’t have been harmed in the first place.

to abstain the individual from any responsibility because they’re a victim is insane and impractical

It is, and thus people get consequences for breaking the ban, and why there is a “shield” to protect people from those breaking the ban.

This is an entirely illogical statement.

Participating would be typing profanity in response, being able to see profanity is not “participating”.

it was, and you can keep up your witty comments, but the point remains, i played according to the rules, but i was the cause of the fight. worse yet, i won. i still feel bad for the kid to this day. i caused it, i won, and he got punished. if you don’t like profanity, there is NO one to blame but yourself for seeing it if you turn the filter off. it is a certainty that if you play wow for a long enough time frame (a week, a month, whatever it is) that people are going to be vulgar. there is no reason to turn it off besides to see that vulgarity, so if you do that knowing both of those things, when you see it, you are to blame for seeing it. had you not turned it off, you wouldn’t have seen it. when you play with fire, you’re to blame when you get burned.

i don’t care about seeing it.

i’m a frequent user.

however, this isn’t my house, so i respect the rules of the owner, and those around me.


/epic Picard facepalm

It is never allowed to shoot police, regardless of the presence of bulletproof vests, the one shooting is to blame.

The “logic” of a victim blamer.

It doesn’t matter whether I turn my home into Fort Knox or not, the burglar is still the one breaking the law.

Do I lock my doors when I leave the house? Yes.
Will it stop a determined thief? No. The house is only as secure as the window glass, I am not going to put bars over them.

The problem with your “logic” is that the victim blaming never ends as there is always something more that could have been done by the victim.

The blame stops with the rule breaker, since if the rules were followed, the victim never becomes a victim.

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Why should I address something I was never talking about.

There is no rule about requiring the filter on. There is no principle being broken by expecting others to follow the rules.

You wanted to force a topic change.

While yes, people are responsible for their own actions…only 1 set of actions here is actually against the rules.

To blame the victim when someone else breaks the rules is insane and impractical.

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So if I choose not to use the profanity filter, it’s my fault you use profanity?

I won’t argue logic with you, because you clearly don’t understand the concept.

How am I instigating your use of profanity by disabling my profanity filter?


Some guy tried to violate my sister when she was 17 and the cop told her if she dressed a little more conservatively that it probably wouldn’t happen to her.
You ever been a cop in Illinois?

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Here’s another analogy for you. A bit more apt than yours, I admit.

It’s illegal to shoot people, even with nonlethal ammunition. Bulletproof vests are an added layer of protection. By your ‘logic’, if l choose not to wear my vest, I’m instigating being shot. Because, hey, if you didn’t want to be shot, you shoulda worn your vest, huh?


#$%*&^ing Blizzard and their #%$@&*ing censorship!!

But on a serious note, I agree that it might be your addons or a bug. I doubt Blizzard monitors private conversations.


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If you do it on their platform / app, then yes, it is. You’re paying to use their service. Not the other way around.


The response will probably be something along the lines of:

“Since it is known that people are able to turn it off and some will have it off and be offended, it instigates/tempts people to break the rules just to “rustle the jimmies” of the easily offended.”

At this point, I am not sure if they are advocating that the filter be permanently on to prevent temptation for rule breakers, or if they want it permanently disabled so when people break the rules the victims are assured to be “legitimately” offended…

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Wow is a chinese game what do you expect?

When you’re on someone else’s platform, it’s not censorship, it’s filtering.


They might have a filter on also possible had issue where friend had the kiddo filter on.


Trunk is definitely censored.