Censorship + ban penalties isn't the answer

Because penalties stack, and every penalty takes into account previous penalties on the account. Not really a shocker.


No,it was not by the rules. In fairness and balance,stick to the rules even if their is penalties ,first get silenced but no it was due to favoritism . So there is none and silence is the game ,well wealth knowing just how bad it can get and trust is never earned through such actions.

But you are more than likely the type of person to report me because I kicked you.

Except anyone who has ever received a silence, suspension or ban, knows that they WON’T tell you what you said or did that got you the ban.

People can’t improve their behavior if they aren’t told what they did that was wrong.


The funny part is all the game does is make popularity=power, and anyone that’s a minority gets punished because the popular ones dislike it. The report/flag button is not used as a ‘this violates the rules’ equivocally it is a ‘I dislike what was posted/the poster.’

Not likely since other than the occasional LFR I don’t do groups. :person_gesturing_no:

I have not been banned. But yes, things like that do happen too.

That is, if they did anything wrong in the first place. Just because you had action taken against you does not mean you 100% did something wrong. If you get an incompetent GM (which exist in just about any game with GMs), you’re basically screwed.

I had to say that before any trolls say “Just be decent” or something else nonconstructive.

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I never said it didn’t happen but when it does happen, it’s extreme cases like botting. Nobody gets “banned” for saying a naughty word. They’ll get suspended, maybe for along time depending on what they said.

And their warning was agreeing to the CoC and the social contract.

In what is mostly a personal concern, Blizz removed a certain size-increasing beer from a vendor in ICC over who it was named after, despite having already name-changed it in datamining.

It was also outright deleted from the game, including my entire stockpile.

I do think they went overboard on some of that.

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They were removed when Blizzard cleaned out the people who made them.

It shouldn’t have taken a massive scandal for them to clean shop, but it is what it is. No use punishing the remaining employees who were probably the victims, or in continuing to peddle the “censorship” idiocy when they literally just added a short-skirted sailor moon outfit last week lol

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