Censorship + ban penalties isn't the answer

its sometimes faster to get a blue to respond here with what the offense was than trying to get a response via ticket.
other times the thread gets removed by a report feature eerily similar to the one in game where if enough people right click/report the robot removes the “problem”. majority rules?


Concerned poster is concerned. Deeply concerned. Will look into it. Much concern.


Well, considering you are running your mouth on the CS forums… And the mods showed up. You might get an answer.

This is what I’m saying you are essentially whining because someone hurt your feelings and in turn you report them hoping to get them punished for being mean.

If you get so offended by someone who you will never meet who literally has zero impact on your life outside the game, you are the problem not the game.


If you can’t follow the rules YOU agreed to YOU are the problem. :person_gesturing_no:


I see both sides. The rules are out there, you shouldn’t be vulgar but at the same time, we keep tightening our belt on what is/isn’t “offensive/against the rules” that it’ll eventually get to the point where some people refuse to even talk because the person(s) will find/invent something to be offended about. And the sad thing about how the rules are written so ambiguously, you’ll most likely get banned for it.

And on this side of the spectrum, people who say vulgar or rude (truly) know they’re doing it. Trying to use shift-characters to try and circumvent also know what they’re doing. We also have those who have actual mental issues that play games. I’ve browsed these forums a long time and other forums and yikes…

In addition, culture differences. In another MMO I played, Asian people played on it. To them, not greeting was considered rude and offensive. Imagine getting banned for not greeting someone.

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Keep hiding behind the rules argument.

I follow the rules not because the rules are there but because it just isn’t worth my time to explain to you why I kicked you from my group, or left your group. At the end of the day you don’t matter to me.

Which one is harsher knowing that I didn’t message you telling you how bad you are because I could careless that you exist? Or me telling you how bad you are, thus you knowing why I removed you and being able to work on fixing it.

From personal experience if and when I get removed from groups I always prefer an explanation. So I can do better, even if your method of saying I’m bad isn’t nice.

All in all if people hurt your feelings on the game the. You are going to have a life of struggle outside the game. Because guess what I. Real life when people are mean to you you essentially have three options.

  1. Deal with it.
  2. Say something back
  3. Get beat up.

But hey I’m glad the game is a safe place for you.


Good because I don’t care. Follow the rules or don’t… up to you. :person_gesturing_no:

Wow, I had NO IDEA that’s what was going on. That wasn’t reported anywhere, every youtuber that reported on it was just going with the “omg they’re removing pictures of women from the game”. But to hear it was pictures of actual female employees…yeah I can’t say what I want to say on the forums, lol. So I’ll just leave what I was going to say up to everyone’s imagination. But that clears a whole lot of stuff up about the “World of Fruitbowls” meme. And they definitely took the right action. I’m sure it was Afrasiabi’s doing.


The idea is we’re supposed to interact with the general public ingame the same way we would at work or at a private venue.

If it would get you in trouble at work or at a shop/cinema/convention/etc then it’ll probably get you in trouble in wow amongst strangers.

Sometimes that means not discussing politics/religion/whatever, not because we’re not allowed to, but because it can lead to fights. If you’re finding every thing you say is getting actioned, there could be some introspection to do there. Or maybe it really isn’t worth exchanging more than the bare minimum of social niceties in that setting until you get to know people more.

Instead of looking at it from a freedom/rights perspective, look at it like its a semi casual/professional setting (as we’re effectively in a virtual privately owned “building”).

I think they’re vague on purpose. Not because blizzard “hates fun” but because a general “don’t be a buttface” rule means if some sort of governing/regulating body or concerned customer gets on their case for bad behaviours they can say “we have a rule about it” and also if the general community decides “we don’t want that behaviour here” and reports it, blizzard can say “the community has decided this behaviour is unacceptable, the rules agree, action upheld” or “it’s against the rules, however the community decided swearing is acceptable and didn’t report it, no action taken” without having to take a side.

While this example doesn’t hold up as it would be weird to get actioned for a lack of words, you are somewhat close.

If players decided that some slogan or slang was too rude or inciteful and they self policed the community enough, it might be possible that using that word in that setting could see you getting punished. I don’t know how accurate that is, though. I’d definitely be upset if I got slapped for something mild but at the same time, I can’t expect blizzard to just waive punishment if they’re frequently receiving multiple reports on my behaviour.

At the end of the day, the best solution is to find people you can be yourself with, within the common decency rules and avoid the temptation to discuss polarising topics in spaces that it’s not expected.

There will be plenty of people who are more than happy to discuss whatever you want in a more private setting.


Be it in game or these forums, they don’t have time for the “no I didn’t” conversation, it really isn’t necessary. You do realize everything is logged, right? Why do you think they ask for specific information when you’re reporting someone in game?

You get flagged, maybe an AI squelch, then reviewed by a human. You should see it coming, we all know when we push the limits.


or option 4. go to the authorities.

So what did you say in game to get a suspension?

I disagree ban penalties are the best answer. Turns out once people realize their account is at risk if they keep acting like children they start to mellow out.


If anything they need to crack down more imo, I’ve gotten way too many slur filled rants whispered to me after people get kicked from groups and they assume I did it when I haven’t even said anything. With the amount of times I’ve had this happen I don’t think they feel worried for their account writing all of that.

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I act exactly like I do in real life. I have no problems.

Real life and in-game or in-forums do not equate very well. If you’re genuinely offensive in real life, there are entities like the law or HR to intervene and decide. Here, you have entry-level, minimum wage employees who do not possess the necessary competencies required to make informed decisions. They act off a script which does not go over caveats.

They’re vague because, as mentioned, those who take action do not have the necessary competencies. So if they make a clear mistake, you can lump it into some vague/generic category instead of admitting you have a problem, which they wouldn’t do because it would ruin their integrity. If you show you have a serious flaw in your system, everyone would complain and start to question it.

That game was an outlier but yes, American players did get sent to jail for things that no American would ever find offensive. The foreign person found it offensive because it didn’t match their culture.

People self-policing is what leads it to where you have to walk on eggshells. This goes back to my comment about “necessary competencies”.

I do agree to have some common decency, but that will not always protect you. The world is not evolving, it’s mutating. I’ve been seeing the most “out there” things that are now considered “offensive” and I try to be objective.

In the past, it was extremely polite to say “Pleasure to meet you, sir”. Today, you run the risk of "I’m not a sir! I’m a “them”. So a person trying to be polite is branded “rude and offensive”. We are a messed up species.

This is the part where people forget. That “human” is an entry-level, minimum wage employee. There have been GMs who came forward and said others will half pay attention to you. Don’t put so much faith in what actions they take. We have corrupt cops out there who have arrested people who did nothing wrong.

People with their hate would never give you a chance to explain anything ,root for one side and be expelled from another through misinterpretations ,but let be real ,not everyone is reading up on college junk ,yet gg you’ll ban people for an opinion.


Silences didn’t work, because people didn’t care about the penalty. That’s why people are saying “I’d rather have a silence”. Suspensions MIGHT get them to reconsider and obey the rules. Or just get them banned.


Or some people, who actually didn’t do anything wrong just give up or take it with a grain of salt.

Anecdote warning: When I was in 3rd grade (very long time ago), my teacher was an airhead, a dingbat. She was an older lady. I had this kid in class who loved to tattle and if you said any word that even remotely sounded like a bad word, he’d tell on you. Never ever ever say the word “duck” in that class. Some reason, he did it to me a few times. The second time, she said “One of these days, you’re going to learn your lesson”. Imagine wondering what lesson you’re supposed to learn.

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And yet, some never got the silence just the suspension. I would think fair and balance is a thing in public places on opinions and creating a type on a loading screen other than t1 and t2 to be t3 other than humanoid ,yet even people used the word freely without being judged. How nice.