I was using it, then teleported into a dungeon and it disappeared. It says I’ve bought it but I don’t see it.
Unfortunately thats a known bug they found the problem now there trying to fix it good news is u still have it bad news it randomly apears and disapears.
The same thing just happened to me, and I found all these posts about it. I had already restarted the game, etc. and I didn’t have any of the set at all available to me to transmog when this happened. Nothing worked, and nothing showed up. I know that some people and even blizzard report that you can still access certain pieces or different toons will have access where others don’t.
So, here’s something I did to fix mine, on a hunch. I noticed when I was playing that I had a pending windows update. I decided to do the update and see if the transmog might show back up when I relaunched the game. It did. IF that is the culprit, it makes sense that blizzard cannot find an answer on their end, and why it comes and goes from time to time for people randomly, when they notice it.
Hope that helps.
Blizzard had found the problem but there hasnt been a solid solution thats been permanat that players have found its just a waiting game for blizzard able to fix it not that they havent been trying its one thing knowing about it its another fixing it.
Coincidence. My transmogs disappear and reappear with no correlation with Windows updates.
Indeed. This is a confirmed game bug, so nothing you do with your computer will necessarily fix it. The act of logging out and logging back in again is likely what prompted the return - but it’s not guaranteed to return during relogging, it’s just a chance.
If you’ve been hit by this, I’d recommend not reapplying the transmog until the bug can be fixed. Once it is fixed, it’ll likely be noted in our Hotfix Blog but we’ll also try to make it known on the forums as well since it does come up here a lot.
how the hell is this still not fixed
Becasue its one thing being able to replicate its another thing all together to fix it if it was that easy i wouldve been fixed along time ago.
this bug happen to me right now. T.T