Celestial Observer set missing

My entire Celestial Set is missing. It’s just completely gone.

I know this is apparently a bug that’s been happening for months, and now it has affected me. What do I do? I paid for the set, and would like to keep the set, please.

It is not completely gone, it usually comes back. The issue is they know what causes it, but don’t have a fix in yet to keep it from happening. You should be able to reuse the appearance again, but it will likely reset, so it’s up to you if you want to keep putting gold into it.


So it’s just going to come back, and go away, at its own discretion?


Thats the nature of the bug while u still have it its unpridicatbility of it going poof and coming back if completly random at least they found the cause and are now working on a fix.

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So that’s it?

We pay them $20 for only a chance to obtain our set at any given time on any given day?

The good news, the cause is known, hopefully a permanent fix is in the works. Just don’t know when yet.


Seeing as this is still a thing going back to November, I’d surely hope so.

Actualy its been going on longer and only affecting a small ammount of players and was extremely hard to figure out what was causing it thats why its still in the shop.

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Since June, actually, even before the mog itself was released. A mistake on the company’s part, in my opinion, but that is neither here nor there. Until the time that there is an announced fix, it’s use at your own risk. If it’s a recent purchase, you can try and apply for a refund but those things are kind of time-sensitive.

Otherwise? Kalviery has been good about keeping us in the loop when there are updates to be had. You can scan through the Blue posts here and it explains a little more of the process along the way if you choose to.

And then the latest update we were given (and if you want to bookmark this thread or something, this is the one that they seem to update when there is news, even though it’s a locked thread):


This is called out as being fixed in the 9.25 update.

  • Fixed an issue that sometimes caused Blizzard Shop transmog cosmetics to temporarily disappear from your collection.

I honestly hadn’t even looked over the patch notes yet. Thank goodness. I can finally stop blowing up Kalviery’s alerts linking their post over and over and over again.


[Happy Monkey Tears]

I knew the fix was planned for 9.2.5 based on previous conversations I’ve had with folks but we (CS) learn not to set explicit expectations on bug reports because things can slip and change… So I’ve been waiting for these patch notes to confirm it is locked in.*

Throwing a 9.2.5 launch party in all my shop transmogs!

*I will of course be watching very carefully after the patch to make sure no new issues arise with this but I’m optimistic :slight_smile: