Celebration Token Vendor?

You don’t think whining like a child is bad behavior? You missed a limited event. A multi-month long limited event which was advertised wall-to-wall. Its arrival was advertised. Its presence was advertised. Its end was advertised well in advance and repeatedly.

This wasn’t some one-day event that it could be understandable you mixed up the days for. This wasn’t even some one-week event that coincided with a vacation or something like that. Unless you’ve been in a coma, you missing this event is so far over the line that separates Blizzard’s responsibility to you and your responsibility to yourself that the line has disappeared over the horizon and faded into nothing but myth and legend to the locals.

Calling an event ending anti-consumer behavior, and expecting sympathy here, and acting like a petulant brat when denied that sympathy you had no reason to expect, is all incredibly gross behavior. It belies a fundamental disassociation with the concept of personal responsibility, as well as a level of self-absorption that you absolutely should be ashamed of.


Nah, they said it’d be back, so maybe there’ll be more to buy this november. though I doubt they’ll do a vendor refresh before the 25 year anniversary in '29.

Gone, reduced to atoms.

I used the token vendor to destroy the token vendor

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2029???1 thats ageism… some of us wont even be here!!11

Gotta rewatch the MCU phase 1 again. Those were some good movies.

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Current age + 5 years =

a close up of a man in a military uniform looking at the camera with a serious look on his face .


Thats been me in just 2 years… Im toast. No more MOGs for me… Damn you Blizz…

How you could be surprised when it’s been going THIS long, and with literally nothing else to be doing on live (besides the repetitive normal endgame content) is amazing.

Sometimes (most times) the issue is with the consumer.

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No, I think not. This is exactly the kind of attitude that’s caused the West to start going down in flames. We have to have a careful balance of personal responsibility vs. group cohesion and unity. Not caring what happens to other people and then dumping the old “tAkE ResPonSiBility” thing on them is a relic from blue-collar philosophies from like the 80’s when people were significantly less educated. In reality, you’ll be in need of help or understanding or mercy in the future too, and just because you may have been hazed or shamed in the past when you expressed a genuine hurt doesn’t mean you’re supposed to go around doing it to everyone else.

I already said it was my mistake, but it’s a painful one and one that could easily have been designed around by the devs a thousand times over given the game’s age. They’ve chosen not to do it for some reason, although I don’t actually know what that reason is. Me voicing my dismay is part of feedback to them. I already got the armor sets, anyway—I was just sitting on a lot of tokens and wanted to get badges etc. for them.

I don’t know how you were raised or why you act this way, but being honest is considered a virtue where I come from—not to mention not assuming you understand people’s intent before you’ve tried to ask them why they’re doing what they’re doing. Me being honest about how I feel isn’t me being a brat.

1/10 troll thread can’t believe this many people fell for it

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Note: this is from the EU forums.


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

and here we are, folks

Wow. Most useful thing anyone’s said. It won’t be in time for some of what I wanted, but at least they aren’t wasted. Cheers for this!

Wow, it really isn’t that deep. Goodness. Event ended, you missed out, in a video game.

Well, they sure responded to me as if it was. May as well explain my stance.

When the next patch drops the tokens will be turned into timewalking badges per wowhead. I can’t post links :frowning:


Thankfully I’m usually on top of that stuff. Executive functioning is a problem with autism but I’ve found ways to adapt.

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No the event is over and vendors are gone until a later time. Not to be rude but they made the dates known on when it ended months ago and it ran for the better part of 3 months. Though they did say this morning that tokens will be converted to timewalking badges similar to how previous currencies had been in the past.

So the thread that reminds that the event is ending soon also states that the currency will be converted to TW badges at the next content patch.

Now, shall we convert this thread to: I wasted time converting them myself before the end of the event? Just to keep the scales balanced?