Celebration Token Vendor?

Are there any vendors left to turn the tokens in at? I’ve been pretty busy and thought the event was going longer than this.


It’s done with, the tokens are no good now.


Go back in time before the maintenance, otherwise No.


At this point, I feel that’s completely arbitrary and anti-consumer, but fine


There are not. The event has ended and there are no plans to use them further, I imagine they’ll probably be deleted from the inventory eventually.


It was announced numerous times that the anniversary event was ending Jan 6th, and in fact it lasted until this morning when maintenance kicked off.
Not sure how this is completely arbitrary.
Anti-consumer =! uninformed consumers.

This was posted here on the forums, 4d ago.


Because we have lives. They allow timewarped turn-ins the day after, do they not?

No. The timewalking vendors disappear when the event does, just like the anniversary vendors.

It’ll be back next year. Just sit on your tokens until then. You had multiple months to do something with them.


So does everyone, this date was on the calendar for actual months now.


Actually, in DF, I was able to turn in the quest the day after it was over. Because I’d often forget to do that on alts. Not sure if that was fixed or not.

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I imagine not, it’d be the absolute lowest priority bug since it’s not interfering with anything, but no way to know for certain without checking I suppose.

Yeah, they definitely do it for timewalking, not sure about other events.

Thanks for the sympathy. Why does everyone on the forums act like pieces of trash? So tired of it, every single question I ask and this is what I get. I try to be helpful to people… is that really such a challenge for you?

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:weary: They didnt give us enough time to get everything!!!11

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Honestly they should have just automatically converted it all to time walking money as soon as the event ended.


Considering that you’re the only one who is insulting people, this seems like a you problem. You missed the cutoff, that’s the end of the story. If it was that important you should’ve checked.


You’re now ahead of the curve for next year’s rewards!
Unfortunately there’s nothing you can do with the ones you have right now. I hurriedly turned all mine in for badges like a minute before reset lol.

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I was concerned that the currency was going away, so I went in last night and bought every TW currency bag I could afford.


Love when people don’t get their way so they resort to insulting people.

You had months to turn in tokens, they also put out a reminder last week that the vendors were goinng away.

You didn’t plan, and that’s your loss. Look into limited time events and make sure to know the date it ends next time.


They’ve stated they do not plan to use them in the future, so, not particularly.


What exactly do you expect? You got answers and then complained about it, so people reacted to that.

Don’t pretend like you’re innocent in this.