Celebration packages

Just curious if anyone has had any luck getting their celebration packages restored. The tickets I opened regarding the celebration packages were met with the same response for the ticket I opened separately regarding the missing Lil Nefarian. I responded on the respective characters stating that the celebration package was the problem there. We’ll see what happens.


Those tickets are being compiled so that Blizz can send out the care packages all together:

Carepackage items disappeared upon switching characters/logging out

  • A hotfix was applied and going forward no new care packages should disappear. There is unfortunately no retroactive resolution we can apply en masse. Anyone currently missing a care package (i.e. Fireworks, 15th anniversary token), will need to submit a ticket for the character that is missing it. Those tickets are being gathered so we can send out those care packages in bulk.

Someone in another topic said they got theirs restored, but I submitted a ticket on Tuesday, haven’t heard anything, and the queue time for my ticket keeps going up.

The time you’re seeing isn’t specific to your ticket. It’s the oldest ticket in queue. If you’ve already put in a ticket, you don’t need an additional one. As mentioned, they’re compiling them and then sending out packages in bulk. You just have to give them some time.


Is this on a different account, Desdeanna? It looks like your ticket was answered but it may have been before the policy was updated. Please reopen the ticket if you can, and specifically note that you need the buff and fireworks.


It just got resolved. I don’t know who got my ticket noticed, but thanks, bro.


It wouldn’t have been anyone here, alas. But that’s good to hear, happy rampaging!