Currently recruiting a few high-performing players looking to start in Sepulcher of the First Ones with us. Mainly looking for big dps (100% attendance Havoc DH, DK, Warlock and a Priest) to round out our mythic raiding roster. All classes welcome if you can prove your worth to the team.
Looking for shorter raid hours? Can’t commit to a heavy raid schedule but still want to progress through the hardest content? We might be what you’re looking for.
We have earned CE in Sanctum of Domination, Castle Nathria, Ny’alotha, BoD, Uldir, Antorus, Nighthold, Emerald Nightmare, and Hellfire Citadel raiding only 6 hours (2x 3hr raids) a week.
Recruitment is open to ANYONE, regardless of your intentions to raid. Our progression roster is always looking for solid players but if you’d like to be part of the top Alliance guild in our cluster and enjoy everything WoW has to offer we might be what you’re looking for. Spots do open and we mainly look to fill from within our guild roster first. We want our roster to be active, have similar goals and most of all have near-perfect attendance.
Schedule: 7:30 PM-10:30 PM PT (Tuesday/Thursday)
is a guild formed for those who want to progress through Mythic raid content on a casual-like schedule. We pride ourselves on staying competitive and clearing the hardest content while only committing to a 2 night (6 hours total) raid schedule. Many of us have been playing since vanilla and have raided in highly competitive guilds in the past.
Recruitment: We look for raiders that not only perform at a high level but can also commit to a 90%+ attendance. We maintain a rather small roster (22-25) for a raiding guild of this level and rotate raiders in on a boss-to-boss basis based on mechanics/loot needs.
Culture fit is also very important. Many people in our guild are also friends outside World of Warcraft. The past few years have seen many members of the guild attend BlizzCon together or other meetups. On off-nights, you can also find us running Mythic+, alt-raids or even playing different games together (Overwatch, Diablo, Lost Ark, LoL, and other popular games).
Please fill out an application here:
Battlenet: Monstrous#1404 or Gradywhite#1511(applying via form is preferred)
Discord: Monstrous#4140 or Gradywhite#3177(for questions)