Cdank's NA-east server discord/ <Blind>


We’re you muted for spamming memes?


you cant out people like this on forums, its against forum tos.

you might catch a ban, but you do you


Wait, a guild leader has appointed himself as guild leader and enforces rules in his guild? Hmmm :thinking:


This is going to be an entertaining one.

:popcorn: :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

I didn’t go looking for this. I clicked it.

I really like the idea of fresh blind but Cdank is such a toxic POS. He brought nothing but negativity to hardcore challenge. Be warned before embarking on this journey with him, hopefully he’s learned from his mistakes and grown up. Does anyone know if they are rolling horse or alliance?


This is the second thread like this, and it’s probably a good warning about the guild, but the call-outs aren’t allowed.

I will say that I was listening to that guy on a Podcast and the guild “sounded good” but he described his history and it sounds very flakey. Don’t expect the guild to last.

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Except he also made a server community Discord and he’s been arbitrarily banning people he doesn’t like lol.


Openly labeling people he deems unworthy to be scum and threatening mass blanket reports to cause issues for those he doesn’t like. Thats not acceptable.


Blind is a cool idea and I hate to say this but I don’t really see it surviving the weight of their leader Cdank’s fragile ego. He solely surrounds himself with yes men and any outside criticism or questioning is met with hostility or just outright censorship and you see this on any platform he runs from his YouTube channel comments to the multiple discords he tries to run. I don’t see this guild making it past phase one.


Blind is the in game version of Artesian Builds. Leader included.

But the server names aren’t live yet. And the OP made it sound like it was just a discord for people who want to use <blind>. When the real server launches, I’m sure some group of people will start a server discord. And then the community would choose which discord to populate.

Considering that fresh isn’t out yet and his self proclaimed “server discord” is already blanket banning opposition and silencing anyone who questions mods, it’s DOA. Tread carefully.

Oh sure, but there are a few other guilds getting behind him. So there is some support for this way of running the show, apparently.

Then it’s a dangerous precedent for the health of fresh. Consider the niche community that would roll fresh realms to begin with - now with the gate keeping of a few “chosen” running a server discord and doing whatever they feel?

Not even considering Cdanks past, it’s already looking grim. I guess everyone will xfer off fresh in 90 days if this continues.

That’s incorrect. There was a rough “server” discord created prior to Cdanks, subsequently players actively poached people and banned the remaining admins and owner / any dissidents from theirs. I don’t even know why they decided to do that as everything seemed fine. I’m still in both and the older one is dead now.

I like the idea of going in blind to the WOTLK raids, but I don’t think blanket banning is the way forward. Red flag.

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Blind just mass reported my original post warning people on here. They’re already trying to silence people. I haven’t done anything against the tos in that post. I didn’t call him out by name. Only the guild name.