Cdank's NA-east server discord/ <Blind>

This is hilarious I should try and find their discord for the lulz

Wow this seems really interesting

First, they build a massive membership of all the freshies

Then, they take down / censor anything they disagree with

They forcefully spread their gatekeeping and ideologies of Blind raiding

They take over or poach pre-established realm discords just for guild control

They plan to expand to multiple other servers across NA and maybe EU

They ban ENTIRE GUILDS for the actions of one pariah, then proceed to blame everything that goes wrong on that banned guild

Do these tactics sound familiar to anyone? cough cough 1940s

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Careful the fascism is showing

Cturd like’s to blackmail people into following his rules btw, wouldn’t suggest it.

Also won’t respond to the screenshots of him being involved in rmt. kekw

When someone has publicly stated they have sold multiple accounts it’s impossible to say they haven’t been involved in RMT.

He just bans people now

You know the saying about absolute power
 Heh Typical Discord mods and wow Gm’s.

Ironic that he now wants to start a completely bot / RMT-free server

The fine folk of the banned guild have tried multiple times to appeal, including getting a non- officer to vouch for them, but it was completely shot down. The admins / staff team members are mainly from , by a large margin.

From what I know if you’re found out to be in that banned guild I mentioned, you’re outta the server. Despite what you’ve done or haven’t done in CDank’s server, you’re outta there.

Doesn’t that pretty much describe most large community leaders?

That’s not surprising, the other thread that was made said the same thing.

I also said this in the other thread and will say it here: I understand why people are drawn to this guild. A story though: I found myself in a guild on “fresh” SoM that also had someone who was a media creator and also had a “big head” (not the same guy at all but the same idea). The idea behind that guild was in no way the same but the part of wanting control, for whatever reason, was.

When the servers lists for SoM were announced that guild I mentioned picked a smaller server on purpose because they knew that would give them more server control. IMO there should be only one PVP and one PVE fresh server but Blizzard will do what they want. So see what happens here, see if this guild intentionally picks a smaller server using the reasoning of being “to be with more like-minded people and less RMT” or whatever.

By doing what I mention the SoM guild I was in had server control and in turn when the leader had a meltdown about things it “killed horde side of the server”. Dozens of people who I was playing with quit SoM or rerolled to alliance on the biggest SoM server based on what happened.

Now I will say if this doesn’t sway you and you like the idea of this guild and you find like-minded people there that’s great, but you’d better be ready to ride a roller coaster.

As for my story, I do not regret my time in SoM because now I have memories and stories.

If you want that sort of thig too great, but for this new guild if all you want is a good time in Wrath fresh and an addon-free, “RMT free” experience WITHOUT the drama you may not get it.

I dunno what OP said but there already have been warnings from this Guild before, now I’m thinking it’s true for real.

This cDank person actually came in and replied to the OP (in the other thread) that was talking about the guild, something a ‘deez nuts’ lmao joke and he got triggered and banned that OP. He sounded legit up until a part where he called OP a kid and something something daddy idk.

Dunno sounds childish either way so if you’re into the drama seems like this guilds for you kek.

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Yes, that post looked really bad. I was on the fence about the guild before that.

Good thing to point out.

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The banned guild?

Blind can’t be having any competition in the RMT scene, also making threats based on the possibility I could be in your server? You wouldn’t be able to find me anyways, alas I am brighter than you.

I mean multiple discord’s have the screenshots of Cdumb selling accounts and making threats to people.

Can’t play the denial card forever.

Not gonna namedrop the previously unnamed guild (only naming Blind because OP named them), but yeah they blacklisted a guild because one of the lowly members did a bad thing so anyone who ever joins that guild / was never involved in it but was in the guild is also responsible for it. “Blanket Banning” this guild is only a slippery slope

Attention everyone,

Cdank has recently admitted to being involved in numerous accounts of RMT!

Yes, the beloved GM of Blind who is encouraging Blind play is also the same who has admitted to selling and buying accounts and gold!

They are also now banning every single person from the Fresh unamed EST Discord they admin because people are starting to call them out for corruption


My bets are on the mandatory guild addon to track if people are buying gold being malicious and stealing accounts/gold that he can sell at a later time.

Here is some fancy pictures:


I have quite alot more btw and then there is this:

Youtube video: Blind Fresh in Wrath ft Cdank.


Post on the forum for the realm.