CC Member's take on Race/Class Combos

I’m just trying figure out seeing a Goblin Paladin hurts so much but that fact that Stormwind seems to have more shapeshifted dragons than humans on rp servers doesn’t


Lore for LFD/Draenei Warlocks? You COULD invent it, doesn’t mean its good…


That’s one of the easiest ones to write. Manari or Eredar join them and ez Warlocks unlocked.

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Who cares what the CC says?


For those groups of people I would use something more common in their communities, but the fact still stands, as a player character or as a human irl, you didn’t know squat when you came out of the “oven” and if your character can learn, they can be anything that can be taught.

So… barring demon hunters (who I think only illidan could mentor?) There are teachers for every class in every city. There is no reason to limit classes by race unless blizz wants to take a hard stand “all class trainers are just super racist yo!”

But that wouldn’t unlock it for Draenei/LFD, you’ve just added Manari as a playable race…


Actually, you kinda JUST proved my point…

Except, you just explained above WHY culture and race matters…

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Uh no? Manari/Eredar joing Draenei and LFD would be the lore that they are teaching them warlock magic thus enabling players of that race to learn it.

It’s the same as Highborne joining Night Elves in cata and unlocking Nelf Mages.

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But by their racial history they would reject this, see what I mean?


Times change. ™

Eredar would make great DHs and it wouldn’t be a separate allied race.

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your point was… that it is literally impossible for you to learn ANYTHING from a culture or place that is not where you were born… ooo000oookay then. That sounds really sad…

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But cultures don’t, they have norms for a reason.


Cultures don’t change?

Now you’re being silly.

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Orcs too, those should be easy to add classes for DH next.

Okay, care to try and teach a pygmy tribe in the Amazon how to use a computer?

The basis of them don’t change, no not really. Why do you think people still celebrate holidays and other traditions?

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Like I’ve been saying in other threads, they laid the foundation for Zandalari DHs back in vanilla:


It doesn’t matter.

It doesn’t matter one bit.

Problem with the lore is , it doesn’t take into account others can learn a field of magic like being a mage or a warlock or adopt a religion which shamanism , druidism as well as priest and paladin are based around .

Now do I see Draenei locks coming of course not based on their history with the Man’ari Eredar.

Do I see void paladins probably not but knowing Blizz it could happen and if it does they may as well make Forsaken paladins too. For the reason that it would make more sense and people have been asking for it longer .

you are now stating that it is impossible to teach a pigmy how to click on graphical icons to make something happen in a computer? Heading towards a dangerous white hooded road there.

“Sorry Zabhei, you can’t make peanut butter and jelly, you wouldn’t understand it you silly primitive!”