CC Member's take on Race/Class Combos

I find the whole thing ridiculous.

There are 194 race/class combos. One hundred and ninety-four! That is more than enough, so is it completely unnecessary to further destroy meaningful race and class distinctions for addition ones.

But don’t worry, Blizzard wants your money so they are going to further homogenize the game and indulge your whims!


One side might declare a “fairness” issue over the other is my only guess.

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Yeah I have ZERO issue with evoker being locked and not being melee. If that’s how they are, that’s how they are.


I understand your point, but the “fairness” argument only works for me if one faction cannot access a certain class like in Vanilla with Paladin/Shaman.

We can all play every class in the game, regardless of faction. Seems fair to me.


Player characters in so many RPG games are and have often been exceptions to the rules. Players should be able to make characters and stories that they find interesting and that often means going against the traditional “culture and values” that certain groups or races have.

Player characters are not immediately indicative of the race or group they represent, and that’s not a bad thing. Seeing a gnome player doesn’t have to automatically mean “gadgets and science” although many people will likely be drawn to that type of story. You can still have interesting races and culture with expanded race/class options, it just allows the people who want to play those to have the opportunity to tell their own stories.

You don’t need to be offered a solution to other people playing characters they enjoy because you don’t like the class/race combination. That’s not a problem, it doesn’t actually affect you.


I disagree because the race has only one class option but I respect your opinion. I was just pointing out the comparison.

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I’m good either way but if we are keeping restrictions in play at least remove any restrictions, that we already have NPCs breaking?

I’m in a raid atm, will answer when I’m out. But generally my opinion is that if lore can be added to explain race/ class combos that seem tricky, then why not. As long as the lore is not ridiculous. And you can already be some pretty ridiculous combos anyway so I don’t understand why certain races should feel the brunt of lore restrictions on them but others shouldn’t.


Given the OP it definitely is

Void Elves have what 8 classes? Of the 24 races in game actually half of them have the same amount of classes as VEs

There’s no shame in wanting more classes even for VEs, but people are also valid in not wanting certain combos, that aside I think it’s the way the convo is presented because VEs being one of many who have 8 available classes isn’t a disservice to them or the Alliance yet the OP often makes it sound like it is


Single player RPGs aren’t this particular MMORPG, where Blizzard has even stated back during Legion that our characters follow our racial culture and the main cities/areas they come from.

I’m going to quote this as an answer, since this has been covered and you didn’t read it.


Some class/race combos that actually make sense off the top of my head: NE Paladins (they can already be Priests, worship a MOON goddess who made the Naaru, and are already trained in melee combat).

any Titan-forged race like Humans, Gnomes, Dwarves etc becoming Shaman (since they were originally made of the very elements of Azeroth this should be a no brainer).

Void Elf/BE/NB Druid (this one makes sense when you consider things like the Druids of the Flame and Emerald Nightmare, not to mention all the times we see NB/BE manipulate the seasons/plant life), etc.


I read your response, that doesn’t mean it makes sense.

You can just choose specifically not to engage with the things you don’t like. If you think there shouldn’t be any gnome druids, never take a gnome druid into your raids or dungeons. If lore means that much to you and you’re going to impose rules on it, you’re welcome to do so.

On one side of this discussion you have people asking for the freedom to create the characters and stories they want with no restrictions, “at the expense of the lore”, but if you don’t like it, that’s fine, just don’t interact with it in a meaningful way.

The other group wants the restrictions to stay in place, so the lore doesn’t lose it’s “meaning”, but unlike the first scenario, the opposing group cannot just simply “not interact” with the restrictions in a meaningful way.

One of these is objectively more selfish than the other.


So what are they gonna do about the class/race combos walking around zones? This reasoning is inherently flawed…


in a game about space robots and Harris Pilton, or Robin Williams npcs, I would say that the lore is busted wide open and it would be like cleaning the statue of liberty with a tooth pick to fix it.

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Were you born knowing how to work a computer… or did people that already knew how to work a computer teach you? Just curious if there’s a lore reason you are able to use a computer central to your race…

Because… being taught just makes no sense!
(It was probably lizard aliens, there’s no other way you could know how to work s computer since you were not born with that skill set)


Like I said, if one actually cared about the lore, they’d attempt to fix it rather than breaking it further, I’ve already said I’m not arguing a circular loop.


By this logic, there are people/age groups that just can’t use a computer or would have a harder time learning to do it, that was sort of a bad comparison no?

What of people from tribal cultures who still think technology is some kinda magic?


All threads are elf threads.


Get over it? I know that sounds harsh but like, it’s not really affecting your gameplay to see somebody as a race/class combo you don’t like, just groan and move on. That’s not a good reason to say somebody else shouldn’t be able to do it.

Let me be clear, I don’t think blizzard should introduce characters in the game that represent every possible race/class combo, players should be allowed to create their own stories, but that doesn’t mean that suddenly there has to be an order of undead paladins roaming Org, and if another player as a character they enjoy actually causes your game experience to be worse, that’s kind of on you.


I could invent 5 min lore for every race/class combo not in the game, Blizz could do the same if they wanted. After all they’re in charge of the lore, not us.