CC is getting out of control

Put all stuns, roots, freezes and fears on the same DR, or at least increase the cd of these abilities. a single mage can keep me cced for 20+ seconds, and a priest can fear me like every 25s and deal damage to me while i sit a full fear without it breaking, don’t even get me started on rogues that also have like 5 different forms of cc and warlocks with like 4 different fears/stuns that don’t share a DR and never break. this is getting ridiculous, please blizzard, let me play the game.


PvP is a team effort, where is your team?


Oh boy, just wait until MoP when everyone has everything haha.

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We don’t even need to wait, it’s already happening.

Yeah, it’s so terrible that some classes don’t allow you to parse on them like a target dummy.

I’m all for cc and skill gaps. The allowance of good gameplay to not get target dummied…butttt i do believe everything is just a bit too much. Just like 10- 20% too much. Mages being the real outlier here. Their toolkit is just insane. Rogues stun DR real fast. And their other forms of cc are more control and not something they can use while killing you. Blind is a long CD.

Battlegrounds are just chaos. As a feral that got my powershifting nerfed, i spend most team fights feared or frozen in place while casters run around and do whatever they want. In wrath my biggest complain was HoJ and kidney shot lasting too long, now I’ll take those over the CC Chain that comes from casters in Cata.

I’m sure arena is better, but Wrath BG’s are far superior than Cata.

Fire mage will piss on most melee, yeah. But that’s why hunters are so good in this expac. They keep the mages in check.

You think CC is bad now, just wait for Mists of Pandaria Classic lol

This is a feral perspective and thats understandable. My Rogue feels a lot better in BGs now… better than it did in Vanilla, TBC, or Wrath.

I quite prefer my Priest as well. Lifegrip feels so good in BGs, and I’ve feel like that’s opened up more strategies (same with smokebomb, Ring, Beam, etc).

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