Except… my cat ended up soaked. He now showers with me… I’ve run out of options… I put a cage around my computer and my plants…
Well, he doesn’t make me sad, he’s just straight up a bully for no reason. He hates my hands and feet. And I’ll admit, the dude is clever. Literally knew my feet were in the blanket so instead of attacking out of the blanket man went inside, and scratched my feet and left a huge scar going across.
One thing for sure is he’ll protect us from snakes and stuff, another thing is, he’s a jerk.
Wolfcat thank you very much.
I am not evil, I just don’t like being bossed around.
/mane flip
You have clearly never met my Cottonball.
He adores water. You can spray him until he’s soaking wet and he’ll happily purr away. He loves to sit on the edge of the tub when I take a bath, dipping his tail in and play. He’ll also drink out of the tub, like a giant water dish!
This sounds like something our cat overlords would try to make us believe…
My cat Glimmer (the weird one lol) drinks out of the toilet. One time she fell in and I swear I laughed for hours.
My cat Simone pees in the toliet, THEN drinks.
I live with someone that loves cat, and some reason the bloody things always imprint to me. I got tired of them being near my computer area so I move my computer to its own office room. Then in each of the outlets I plugged in a sound emitter that emits a sound cats hat. None of them enter my computer room anymore or even get within distance of its door.
I made a salad the other day with some shredded chicken on top. I went into the next room to say something to my daughter. I had my back turned for about 10 seconds. My cat was on the counter and had inhaled half my chicken before I turned back around.
Little stinker.
My cat doesn’t ever make me sad. She’s perfect
Are you sure that’s your cat peeing in the toilet and drinking it…?
Instructions unclear. Computer now soaked and beginning to smoke. Cat is confused but also seems amused.
Send help
How old? I have 2 kitty sisters both are 3. One looks like just smoked a bowl 99% of the time and the other looks like it just did 4 lines of c0caine and is super paranoid.
My cat pushes my video games off the rack I have for them, one at a time. He throws one on the floor - stares at me for a few seconds - then pushes another one.
My cats figured out the flush button. One would stand on it gently while the other would drink the flowing water. Until the one on button duty pushed too hard and he nearly drowned his sister.
I now have boards taped on top of those flush buttons. x-x
Wow, that is strange. You sure that’s a cat? You might have an otter there.
I’m sure. The little, fat dirty white tabby is most assuredly Simmy.
That is both impressive and disgusting at the same time .
Just turned 1 in September… she is one messed up cat lemme tell ya.
Certain breeds of cats do enjoy the water. My roommate has one that likes to jump in the pool during summer.