Catching up on the story. What even

well in legion, Greymane pooped on her lantern, in bfa saurfang publicly roasted her so hard she had to resort to imba haxxors just to shut him up, in sl anduin showed her how dumb she was being, and the jailer slapped her silly. I’d say shes had alot of losses so far.

WoW is not an epic novel. It is not even an epic movie. It is a game that makes Star Wars look deep by comparison. It has always been that way. Even Arthas was your classic “Darth Vader” good guy-turns bad villain. I dont know why people expect layered, deep story in a game about dwarves and elves and gnomes. It has villians. It has heroes. And sometimes it has interesting story quirks. But I have never expected it to be fabulous, Pulitzer Prize winning writing.

If I would like anything, it is that the story content is pleasantly playable. If they, for example, create an enormous dragon, dont have us dropped on its back running back and forth hitting tentacles because thats just twee. Put in some grand scale fights to ratchet up the drama. And if they create something called an Old God, make our conflict with it on an appropriate god-level event. But background story … meh, it doesnt matter to me all that much. Just make the game fun and the rest will fall in place.

At least get her stupid name right before you try and talk lore

Sylvanus Sylvanus Sylvanus Sylvanus Sylvanus


I guess the thing will be Bolvar will be back as Lich King, but now with the Blessing of the Eternals, and we will have the next Xpac being a WoD of sorts, but instead of bringing alternative TBC, it will bring alternative WotLK. “What if the Lich King was a good man”. lol

“Delight of the Lich King”

World of Warcraft: Dine With the Lich King

Trust me I hate Sylvanas very much too but after seeing the Shadowlands and what goes on there I have to admit she has a very valid view point. From a RP stand point what does my character have to look forward after he dies? To be sent to Bastion to have a memory wipe, turn into a flying smurf, and then carry other souls to be used as fertilizer and a power source. I can not understand why we are not taking the side of the rebels and tear the place down.

I’m a horde main and even I thought the cinematic was stupid and unfair to alliance

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“Interview with the Undead”.

One of my favorite story moments is Sylvanas’s loss at Stormheim in “Legion”:

Greymane smashing Sylvanas’s evil magic lantern is one of the greatest moments in WoW’s story, to me.

In context of the story, he had no idea what breaking it would do.

All he knows is she wants it, and all he wants is to watch the look on her face as he takes it from her, permanently - even if it kills him.

He wound up saving an entire race from enslavement, and countless souls from being raised into cursed undeath. What she would’ve done with that power… he may’ve saved the world.

But he did it for all the wrong - very human - reasons. The loss of his son, his kingdom, his peoples’ homes. He did it openly for revenge, and he committed treason to do it.

It was “morally grey” done well in my opinion.

I wish they had more moments like this, that felt really “earned”.

The main narrative in Shadowlands feels like Sylvanas became someone’s self-insert power fantasy. The Tyrande arc took a hard 180 into meaninglessness.

I hope the ending of Shadowlands makes it all pay off, somehow.


One of my favorite moments of Sylvanas:

The one who saw her for what she was. Writer bogus sense of agency made this tale take a crappy turn to the worse. This all could have turned out so much more interesting from that point on.


I miss the characterization of Garrosh in that video. It was a shame turning him into a pretty standard power-mad villain. Alas. We’ll always have great moments like these.

That was really the first time in game we saw Sylvanas had come back from Northrend “wrong”, too.

At least Garrosh got a memorable if brief send-off in Shadowlands. I hope they salvage Sylvanas and the rest of the big NPCs somehow too.

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In this episode of Lore Watch Anne Stickney explains the writing process at Blizzard.

I am not one to say “it is contradictory” because I am well aware that at the end of the day, writers can get themselves out of anything using anything.

What I think is that Garrosh was turned into an uninteresting character the moment his “nationalist” pride was deconstructed into power mongering. He was an Orc supremacist, based on a self deprecating vision of himself by being not worthy in many ways. But the decision to write him off as doing the same thing he dreaded his father for was ill conceived.

What I really blame the writers for is being very repetitive. They are always turning around, on and on, in that theme from “Battlestar Galactica”.

“All this happened before, all this will happen again”.
And change roles among people with the same stories.

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Thing is as story goes on…this grew on me and I liked it. they are trying or deep 40D chess villains and not really nailing it imo.

Sometimes you just need that axe wielding psycho for a nice change of pace. See this is where warhammer (40K) keeps is interesting. Sometimes its the chaos sorceror playing everybody, even his own peeps, to meet some goal.

Sometimes its jsut plain old orc warchief on a waaaaaaagh!.

sometimes…its as simple case of insect based/inspired organisms run by a
cold but calculating hive mind.

It avoids having the nathrazim running so many double crosses they don’t even know who they work for anymore I’d wager.

I mean they tried with Sire D for suave 40 d villain. But yeah…I’d make him a double. If generous a triple. He wasn’t a homerun, imo, however.

Over close to 20 years with games workshop stuff…I will admit sometimes I like the simplicity of a really ticked off psychotic orc with an axe. It can be the good way sometimes.


Damn right. Night Elf players have more class than Blizzard ever shown them not unsubcribing all at once in protest of how Blizzard has mishandled Night Elves.

And the final insult is after all this…one simple request they will not grant.

Night elf paladins. It be the nice we are sorry you had to be plot devices to open a portal for SL gesture. sorry…we couldn’t attack SW, that be way more static.

But but…those catapults could reach it from westffall easy. That village to darnassus…quite a few km’s really.

Nope…remember we have players who fight housing because less people will be in SW to type /dance and talk politics. Wipe out SW and man…the fury of the players would be too much.


For how long Night Elves have been around Humans/Dwarves and how adept Night Elf is at learning I agree it totally makes sense some of them would’ve taken up being a Paladin long go. No Night Elf Paladin in all that time but Tauren Paladins before that is ridiculous even taking Tauren out of the equation still ridiculous.



and iirc…elune made the naaru who are the power behind the paladins.

I don’t think elune would mind since she made teh naaru in the first place.

well that and she has showed god like levels of…impotency.

Oh no, I’ve displease elune. what will she do to punish me. Let me ponder that. As I walk through the burned out husk of teldrassil. A reward for being loyal elves

elune reminds me of an old joke.

With friends like her, who needs devices that cleanse the colon whose name starts with an e (pretty sure that e word will be filtered out).

The answer is probably: Yes and deeply so.

Getting back to the title, I have a quick question for you: What story?

Perhaps they come up with the most satisfying resolution to each story arc, then challenge themselves to go with the opposite.

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