Catching up on the story. What even

What goes on in the writing room? Is it a competition to see who can write a cinematic that fits the most smug Sylvanus one liners or??? I thought Tyrande being the “NiGhT wArRiOr” was supposed to be a big deal. Sylvanus just danced around and teased her the entire time, even with hands around her throat she spat out a snarky one liner, completely unphased.

Does Blizzard hates nelfs? Nelfs dancing on mailboxes have probably sold more copies of the game than any add campaign you’ve ever made. You owe them something more than that garbage.

I seriously cannot understand anyone who enjoys watching Sylvanus just dumpstering every other character she comes across. It reads like a 13yo’s edgy fanfiction. And I have a feeling she’s going to be the good guy in the end too.


This is what you get when the writers drink copious amounts of gin and tonic before work everyday.


Actually many of the bad boys were gone.

We got sober writing I think here.

Which is scary. The players will never see the nathrazim escaping after sire d escaped from a high security containment facility.

Umm, no. We saw it coming. Illidan could see it coming. And he is blind and not even in the same plane of existence.

He is going….

you are not prepared. For them using the same overused villain escaping jail trope twice in one story.


A race shouldn’t get special treatment just because of simps. If that were the case then the furry fandom would have annihilated everyone with OP Worgen, Tauren and Vulpera lore

And yes I’m aware how RICH that sounds coming from a Blood Elf.

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I am not trying to defend the garbage writing at all, but to be fair here, Sylvanas doesn’t even need to breathe.


It’s better if you don’t listen to what most NPCs say and just keep killing.


She also goes into vapor form not using a voice command. She doesn’t cast it like mage going abacradabra.

Throat punch her…she can still cast.

Well, I think the story dept for WoW is pretty much:

  • Table with Mahabaratha, Ramoyahna, Lovecraft Complete Mythos, Robert E Howard’s paper on Barbarism, Bible, and an assortment of folk tales from Ireland.
  • Two History and Mythology consultants
  • One Egyptologist
  • Two members of legal
  • The “Writers”

And a white board with the main tenants of Copyright infringement and Cultural Appropriation Guidelines

And the lead story designer act like this:

Who cares about nelfs anyway. Never saw what the fuss was about them

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It’ll just get worse the more cosmic and fantastical the story gets.

I’m not even sure it’s their fault anymore as much as it the fault of whoever decided to go in this direction. Which might be them?

Just thinking about it makes me taste bile. The plot armor that wicked entity is continuously bathed in makes me sick. Even at SL’s beginning, they had her just casually stroll up to the lich king’s throne and roflstomp him and break his helm apart with her bare hands. Give me a frickin’ break. And with even Elune apparently backing down from her during the showdown with the Night Warrior, there will be some sort of epic God level plot armor justification for it… because Sylbarfas will be ultimately redeemed somehow, since she had a greater purpose. BArrrRRRffFFFFFFFFFFF


That’s because it’s written by a man who is mentally an edgy 13 year old, “Narrative Lead” Steve Danuser. He even believes Sylvanus is his waifu and roleplays as such on Twitter, no less. A quick Google search of “Steve Danuser self insert” will explain the entire direction of the plot and writing to date.


“Well, I thought it was brilliant”

-Steve Danuser talking about Game of Thrones Season 8


Yeah. We don’t know either. Noone does. It’s fine. Just upgrade gear and pew pew at the red targets. It’ll sort itself out eventually. Then we can all go “OOOOOH… RIGHT!”

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That’s the person responsible for this lore butchering disaster of a story? jeezus


Did you Google “Steve Danuser self insert”? Pretty nauseating stuff, I know. I honestly wish I could just erase it and him from my memory. It will take literal years to salvage the storyline of this game after the damage he’s done to it.


This explains everything :man_facepalming:


That was my reaction too.

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So as lore lead, he’s the guy who ultimately sends everything through right for the story? He’s the one brainstormed or at least signed off on the burning of Teldrassil, Sylbarfas’s invincible plot armor, Tyrande being humiliated, all of it…?

People have been calling this out since Cata. She’s the typical mary sue victim-complex character.