Catalyst Upgrade Restrictions

but the blue can look at my helm that was from the dreamsurge vendor

I hope this is unintentional, but on the other hand, I can understand why if its intentional.

We’re getting so many ilvl 480 pieces from various caches immediately from season 4 launch,
if people were able to convert those 480s from those WQ caches, people would quickly get a full tier set. I know the catalyst basically has a weekly CD, but even then, Blizzard may have thought it was too quick in terms of gearing progression.

Just a hunch though. I wish we could convert them too

edit: I personally think season 4 should be a “party and wait for the next expansion” type of season. Meaning, I don’t think we need this type of restriction. The Crest seasonal cap is silly for the same reason. We have Remix coming up too. Theres tons of things to do, so there’s no point in really time gating things right now.(if it was s1, 2 or 3 I can understand)

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didnt seem like a problem in season 3 with the weeklies quests in dream

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Idk about the gear from the weekly quest cache, but the gear that drops in BT can be converted. Did it for my Pallies shoulders.

Looks like this was fixed in a hotfix.

items seem random/broken at the moment. for some reason only thing I can upgrade, is my Timewalking gloves can be upgraded but my other time walking items can’t be upgraded, no chache item can be upgraded, and no heroic item can be upgraded.

Well, this is World of Bugcraft

Some players didn’t get refunded for the wrong timewalking quest reward, but some did.

You mean just for season 1, right? Season 2 was Fyrakk Assaults and season 3 was Emerald Dream weeklies. I don’t remember where the heck Dreamsurges and Time Rifts came in, but that stuff could be, too.
I’m only writing this to clarify which open world stuffs could be catalyzed through every season.

they hotfixed the items to be catalysted from all awakened open world activities however not retroactively

Yeah, I was talking about S1 specifically, since this week is awakened S1 content.

Both were added in the middle of S2, 10.1.7 and 10.1.5 respectively.

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Seems like its been hotfixed, but doesn’t seem to be retroactive unfortunately.
At least it was unintended (a bug)


Yep cries in Hero Timewarped gloves.

Ahh well

Ahh okay so my suspicions about it not allowing us to convert that gear were justified. Super duper.

To correct this issue and then not have it apply to already existing gear is… wow.

I seriously hope they make it retroactive.

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Wow that is really terrible. On Tuesday I did a Black Temple timewalking run where we just killed Illidan, which was enough to give me the quest reward. I got a pair of heroic-track timewalking legs. I was extremely disappointed to find that I couldn’t use them with the catalyst, but I just assumed that it was because they were from Timewalking.

Tonight I went into Black Temple again but did a full-clear this time. Got a pair of 493 Champion gloves from the raid itself. Just for the hell of it, I checked the catalyst and sure enough it can convert just fine. It’s just the hero-track piece that I got on the first night that can’t convert. That really sucks!!! Not being able to convert them to tier makes them a liability and borderline useless.

You should be able to do it as long as it’s veteran level, which is what it was in S3. I just tried now and it gave me the option to transform it.

The fix isn’t retroactive, so if you got it before it your outta luck

Oh, that sucks for the people that did it earlier then :pensive:

yea, my monk could have a season 4 2p already if it werent for that