Catalyst gave wrong track item and returned original No help from support

This morning I received a (Hero) track cloak from the vault and went to the catalyst to turn it into “tier”. The cloak disappeared briefly when I used my charge, then somehow it gave me a (Veteran) track tier cloak and a few seconds later I also received back the (Hero) track cloak.

I submitted a ticket immediately figuring this should be something easy for support to fix. Anyone would be able to look at what went in and what came out. My first ticket response was rambling about Cataclysm. The second says to submit a bug report and offers no help. The third now has said, literally better luck next week…check the preview window, we can’t help you.

Surely there’s an actual person here that can look at my account for two seconds at 11:15 AM server time roughly and see that I didn’t get what I was supposed to. Both cloaks are sitting in my inventory… I just want my Hero track tier cloak like I was supposed to get.

And the latest response is “It’s a known issue but we are unable to assist players in recovering items or Harmonized silk charges.” … so you know it’s a problem, admit it but actually won’t/can’t help. Like the people who lost guild banks and such. Unbelievable.

This if anything sounds like a bug and Gm is unable to fix the situation for you. They can only do what the devs let them do. All you can do is submit a bug report and move on


They’ve posted this in two other places already, Bug Reports was one of them.

It’s that they literally can’t. The last thing customer service reps globally want to do is say “no” to something, so it’s never a matter of if they feel like it or not.

They can’t because the developers are the ones that give them the go-ahead to do so or grant a singular exception with its own set of rules they must follow if they want to stay employed.

However if that is truly what your last response said, then it’s already something they’re working toward resolving.


They can’t do whatever someone wants because they want it to. More so when it’s something that, at least to my understanding, can’t happened. But the CS forum has zero to do with the game or the systems in place. Posting here is akin to screaming into the wind.


You offered two possibilities (the “won’t” part) indicating you weren’t convinced that their hands are tied. So I clarified. And where your mind is made up that one irreversible glitch means all are irreversible, it appears…


The thread you started five hours ago in Bug Reports is the first step towards resolution. And I recommend encouraging others you encounter with the same issue doing the same, as more data points can only help in tracking down the issue.


Not saying it didn’t happen, but I’ve never heard of the catalyst giving a lower tier of an item while also then giving back the original item.

It sounds more like you had two cloaks in your inventory and accidentally used the wrong one without realizing.

Now it could be a new bug, but you’ve already done all you can by posting in the Bug forum. Creating topics in other forums unfortunately won’t help, users will just keep directing you to the Bug forum like they have been.

I know it stings to not get the tier you were expecting, whether from a user or game error, but it sounds like you still have the cloak so you can get the tier again soon when the catalyst refreshes.