Cataclysm worse the second time around

EVERY OTHER SPEC: “Where your Chaos Bolts at my friend, aren’t you destro?”

DESTRO LOCK: “Hold up friend, its coming. Just need to refresh Doom, Corruption, Soulfire, Immolate, run into melee for Shadowflame and Conflagerate. Than you’ll see. You’ll all see.”

EVERY OTHE SPEC: “That sounds pretty awful. It pumps though right?”

DESTRO LOCK: “Define ‘pumps’.”

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This was before they sent out surveys and everyone said they’d pay more money to go to Cata. We are in the minority as far as paying customers go, we are irrelevant to Microsoft Activision Blizzard.

lol seeing pre-beta Vanilla Classic forums to now, how far we’ve fallen lol

That’s what Blizzard says doesn’t make it true or not, the fact is we don’t know

And based on how little work their putting into to Cata I have some serious doubts about that

Utter BS.
We got Focus, but neither potions, nor food for this, we did not need bullets, or to feed pets … could move while shooting. We had forced specs - changes galore!

After reading through the rest of your class walkthroughs, I get that you’re of the OP players steamrolling contents is better-type. I regret to have replied.

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Im also pretty sure they said they would give us the choice (and possibly allow us to do both) to stay on our preferred era or move to the next expansion. I mean really whats the harm in keeping 1 mega vanilla, TBC and WotLK servers online for those who want to stay in that era?? I for one would still be playing TBC at least a little due to that time being my favorite in wow. But they only allow vanilla and the current non-classic aka Cataclysm the first expansion I took a break from the game.


Cata is awesome and its not even here yet, ya big baby.

Wrath was trash, cata is so much better.

The only people complaining don’t have thumbs and are bad at the game boomers.

Thank god we are finally starting to see some difficulty in classic, the game has been a brain dead slog where only parsing and speedrunning makes it fun.

Play demo, more challenging and more fun.

Thats what i remember as well. Wrath was always the greatest expansion to me. After years of playing warcraft 3 you get to kill the lich that was awesome. I remember cata came out and my friends started dropping out a few at a time. It was the begining of the end of wow.


Eh look if you didn’t like cata the first time…why did you think you’d like it the 2nd? Also noone cares your quitting. Not blizzard and I promise you no one in these forums is reaching out to you with open arms screaming NOOOOOO. Just quit and go play another game. Bunch of whinos in classic.

Pre cata isnt going anywhere. Classic servers are still up.

Well said. Like the majority who have already gone to SOD, I will make my shift permanent, since there is ZERO point continuing in the ‘expansion’ that drove the original players away in the first place.

If people want to play a dumbed down ‘jump/kick’ version of WoW, they can play retail; that’s what it’s for.

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back to wiping my groups in m+ next year then

Holy priest was ruined by Chakra. Because Blizzard decided that the “big toolbox” healer would be more fun if only some of your spells were useful at any time.

Balance druid was similarly ruined by the Eclipse mechanic. Because playing a caster is more fun if only half of your spells are worth casting at any given time.

Instead of parroting something you found online, I’m using concrete examples from someone who played those classes.

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When the walls fell.

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(TBC)<----------This is the way…


Isn’t this war over what expansions are good and bad getting kind of old? We’re (mostly) grown adults lobbing insults at each other over what version of a video game is better. It’s getting kind of weird at this point.


I pray that never happens :pray:

Yup. I really wanted a WotLK perma-server but for some reason this team decided we can’t have nice things.