Cataclysm worse the second time around

Well now that you, in your infinite wisdom (cough) have released the pre-patch for Cataclysm and completely ruined the character classes and game experience I think I’ll say goodbye. Cata sucked when it was live and sucks yet again. Thank you very much for ruining my gaming experience yet again. I’ll not be coming back.


Remember to use your remaining game time here on the forums to request a TBC and a WotLK server. Why not put it to good use? That’s my plan.


Good point, although the only thing I liked about TBC was the fact that it gave us new content, and some of the character class changes were exactly what they should have been in the first place


If we get a set of Era, TBC, and WotLK servers, people can have a permanent Classic home of their choice, and if Blizz allows for transfers between the servers, then people can even progress (at their own pace) from Era to WotLK if that is their desire.


I would stay for a “Classic” server with real time, live progression the way it happened and the speed it happened at launch. Classic era should stop at Wrath of the Lich King. I mean really, you had to destroy the entire world to advance your storyline, when it should have stopped at the defeat of the Lich King. That is in fact “CLASSIC” World of Warcraft.


I thought that was the point of classic servers. To give us a chance to play the game before they destroyed the world (and game) with Cata. Don’t get me wrong, I still play retail (kinda) , but my heart with pre-Cata.


We are welcoming over on the Era servers, Whitemane cluster for PvP and Mankrik cluster for PvE. Still very much popping :clap:


Oh, come on. Says the guy who comes in firing off the first shot.

His agenda is that he doesn’t like the direction of classic, so he’s going to unsub. Pretty standard.

Is exactly what you should do. I don’t understand. Should we cast our votes based on what we think others want? Are you afraid that if enough people independently agree that cata sucks, blizzard will give the people what they want?

It sounds like you disagree with him, so you proceed to fling insults, while showcasing the characteristics of said insults. Nice.


Okay. Thanks for letting us know.


Good luck! They wont do anything to help you and your characters are permanantly messed up. Ive been asking for my mage back since TBC but hes stuck in these dumb expansions. Actually to hell with blizzard


You’re an idiot for replying to this. it’s a forum and I’m entitled my opinion. No one twisted your arm and asked you to come here to belittle so be gone. Cata was a garbage expansion and the most buggy thing ever launched out of the 21 games that I’ve beta’d in my gaming lifetime. Furthermore, don’t get on here spouting insults because you don’t agree. I’m 50 years old and beta’d WOW, TBC, WRATH, and CATA. far from being a child. You come here acting the part of a monon so be gone and go troll elsewhere


Your time is up, Cata is now.

Get with the program, or move on.


I don’t agree with the ad hominem attacks: they only foster toxicity in a game environment we need to be fixing.

I will, however, also offer that Cata was one of the best expansions and one of my absolute favorites. I loved that the world changed due to a narrative purpose, that the zones became much more fun as a result, and that many class mechanics were vastly improved over the OG. (Paladin is a simple example.)

So to see it treated with this level of disregard is very disappointing. I’ll give them some time to get things on track, but I am out if things don’t improve. I am crossing my fingers that today’s emergency maintenance is productive.


nah hes right Cata was the beginning of the end of wow. was and will be again a terrible game.


im coming back because of cata, so i guess let me have my 2 years til mop comes out then we can both leave once more


No. It’s not. The class changes are not fun, not good, and in some cases ruin the class.

No, his views on classes are exactly right, he’s right and you’re wrong. I guess I should expect some infantile insults now


I was fine with everything until you lumped in wod with my precious tbc.

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pls tbc again !




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Oh poor baby that couldn’t handle the heroic raids back in Cata or PvP. This isn’t an airport, no need to announce your departure.