Cataclysm: Redoing every expansion is Lazy

I hope they decide to retire the classic remakes at WOTLK or do WOTLK with changes.

I don’t see the point in doing anything beyond WOTLK as that’s the classic version of the game before Cataclysm brought about major changes to the game, both physically in the game world and how players interact with eachother.

Game developers are fighting it out for our time as we’re spoiled for choice these days.

I know I’d rather just play retail or another game than playing an earlier version of retail.

Honestly I hope blizz relaunches every single expansion at an increased pace. I want to replay cata, mists, and legion. Just like all you classic andy’s tell me when I complain about any aspect of the game in classic - you don’t have to play it if you don’t want to :^)

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most 0head take ive ever seen. 10/10 lol

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I think tbc+ would work better with rbgs rather than arenas. Give players something to progress in, the meta is less clear and you’d probably have fun progressing through each tier finding weird niche comps for the 3 battlegrounds available. Arenas in wotlk are nice since class balance is much more on point to where such small scale pvp demands.

I’ll never play a vanilla+ server cause all it is for long term ranking is who can grind the most, skill and strategy are so far detached from the overall equation it alienates the playerbase who only wants to logon for an afternoon every weekend.

no one cares what YOU want some people like the old xpacs bc its when the game was the best and we like replaying old xpacs bc again its fun we can reenjoy the game when it was in its best times

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I actually disagree with a bit of this. Even if you don’t like Deathwing’s story, the telling of that story was some of the most immersive storytelling they have done in game. learning about who he is and how he came to be his current state through the questing, periodically having him appear in an overwhelming terrifying way, and being able to really feel how he destroyed the lands was awesome.

I would be fine with the expansion as it was minus a lot of the mechanic and class changes though.

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Cataclysm was the first hard deviation from Classic, ramping up the loose separation that WotLK created with its many QoL strides. IMO Cataclysm and further expansions shouldn’t be included in the Classic era, and I don’t understand any hype for it outside of Cata babies and end of wrath tagalongs who found their first strides in Cata.

I will say that the dungeon and raid content was nicely tuned, but I don’t have any anticipation to experience it again.

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Nope, that would be TBC with its flying mounts, buyable boosts/mounts, cross-faction classes, and same-faction battlegrounds.

Okay, thanks!

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I wanted to have my voice heard since I never received a survey, but cata is the wrong next choice. I unsubbed for my very first time since release in 2004 during cata.

The thing that made me unsub was the change to the old world. It wasnt the difficulity of heroics on launch, it wasnt LFR, it wasnt the mandatory cap on the talent trees it was destroying the world I loved.

I did the new quests once through and felt they had put questing “on rails”, made them somewhat gimmicky, and in the process we lost the soul of Azeroth. While some of the classes played well (spriest and lock were great to play during this iteration) the loss of the old world was a disappointment. I continue to level alts in tbcc not b/c I want to play them at end game – just b/c I want to play in the old world and level in a super relaxed and somewhat free-form way.

If cata is the next in the line I will be done with classic. If we dont get classic+ I would prefer just a restart from vanilla.

I actually have a character that does that, a couple months ago I got the idea from Kraken latte where she does every quest in every zone and every expansion I was like oh that’s a pretty good idea so that’s what I started doing so far I’ve cleared five areas starting in Elywnn Forest and I recently finished all of STV.
But since everything going on in classic that character is just sitting there but I have every intention of continuing to complete every zone in the game

I’ve played since vanilla and cata is my favourite expansion. Wrath is great but it was pretty imbalanced. I’ll play wrath and I hope for cata/mop cause they were peak PvP expansions.

I understand people didn’t like the changes but that’s the thing everyone has opinions and how they enjoy the game. I hope they release servers to cater to each expansion.

I personally look forward to last patch cata + improvements. Same thing with MoP
I think most of the people playing the game that aren’t the whiny vocal minority feel the same.

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I liked MoP a lot more than I did cata in a lot of ways.
I know a lot of people would love to have a fresh MoP server.

Many liked cata and mop but they don’t remind people every thread like the “classic” community. Does get tiring seeing these threads.

I think they need to do a fresh server maybe two per region of each expansion call it good let’s not wait 6 years to come out with a legion classic server cuz I know they would make a whole lot of money if they announced 5 months from now that they were going to start a fresh Legion server started out with the month of pre-patch and then go on into the expansion that was one of the best pre-patch events ever

  • Because many of us don’t like the newer versions of the game, and won’t play them.
  • Because we KNOW what they are going to do, and we don’t want to get surprised by an unexpected nerf of our favorite spec.
  • Because some of us want to play the parts of the game we missed the first time around.
  • Because we have seen what happens when the developers try to “improve” things. Those “improvements” are the reason many of us don’t play retail today.

Eventually, a lot of us will go to out favorite expansions and keep playing there (hopefully Blizzard will stand up a dedicated BC server). In the meantime, I’m playing along with the expansions, and enjoying every minute of it.

That said, the #somechanges thing is the problem. I don’t trust the Blizzard developers. They ruined retail for me. They destroyed the class and spec I loved (ranged SV Hunter). They added a relentless grind to the end-game in the form of exhaustive and mandatory daily quests. They tried to force PvE players into arenas and PvP players into M+/Raids. They removed some of our favorite abilities because they were too similar. They made items you could never max out no matter how much you grinded.

The fact that they aren’t changing things is an enormous benefit for me.

Some people like those changes. For me, they were heartbreaking. I simply DO NOT TRUST the developers to make game design decisions. I will happily plug away at the expansions as long as they release them up until they delete my SV Hunter again, and then I will go back and play the older expansions.

I totally agree, I HATE cata and everything beyond. I kinda enjoyed legion, but there was still too much of the stuff I hated in retail for me to stay. I was lucky in legion to have a guild that actually talked and did things together as a guild.

Would love to see Classic do a completely different fork if it were to continue doing expansions. Forget Cata, Mists, etc. They were largely failures for the company. Instead of repeating the mistake, develop a completely different storyline and take the good elements from each expansion. Don’t destroy old Azeroth. We don’t need Deathwing. Be creative again.

I REALLY dislike your take on this. Its basically " I did not like this expansion so do not do it". Meanwhile there are a lot of people that did. For example, Cata is one of my favorite expansions and I LOVED its theme. I think it has the second best theme of any expansion. I think it had a great premise and that the world revamp although great took effort away from the rest of the expansion. I think adding in changes like the raid that was scrapped could have been big. I really hope blizzard does not listen to people like you