Cataclysm is already dead

Where are the “majority” of people that wanted Cataclysm? Most realms are dead and even the mega realms (benediction and Faerlina) have lost more than half of the players since wrath. Either people that wanted cataclysm are already bored and arent playing anymore or its not as popular as Blizz said. Anyways, thanks for relaunching this mistake and not giving us Wrath era realms. It did worse than the first time around.


The flaw with Cata was this idea that they had to keep the population completely split up on different realms. Should have just went with the one mega server per-rule set like they have with all other classic versions of the game.


and people think mop classic is going to save classic. the only thing that might save classic is TBC. But atleast GDKPs are banned in the new fresh servers.


Id hazzard a guess and say that BLizzard is probably a better judge of a games health than some doomsayer on the fourms.


They lost those people during wrath, lets not exaggerate my guy.

In terms of where are the people for classic cata? well they are playing it, but there was a huge player drop of after 5 months of phase 1, player numbers have tripled with the release of Firelands raid.

You will be able to replay Wrath in 2028/2029 and fight for perm servers all over again then.


the numbers speak for themself tho the population decreased every time a new expac launches

Numbers are saying that there is content drought and mega miss management of content release scheduling, further more the multiple versions of WoW contending for game time with each other is not healthy either.

At one point I knew several guilds who played SOD, Cata and Retail all at once only to be forced to pick one out of time necessity


That only happened because they released SOD at the same time they launched ICC. Both versions were competing for the same player base.

Tripled you say? From what? 2k? Benediction only has 6000 active players. Wrath at this stage in the expansion had 30k.


Exactly and now you are going to have SoD AQ launch competing with era fresh launch leveling and Firelands prog.


I’m sorry your realm is dead, doesn’t mean the game is dead, maybe have a good look at the population statistics.

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See I have no pony in the FL races. cata is quickly becoming a mop waiting room. I am fine with most of chars 371 pvp armour plan really.

Now…the new TBC in time has gotten my interest. I make the fresh char, I grind that 60. and when the tbc is fed in, the draenei or blood elf I’d make…has a sugar daddy/mommy.

Its how I worked this the last time. the 60 made the new tbc alts lives much easier.


You only just realised Cataclysm Classic was a thing? About 6 months late to the party.

To be fair, I’m more excited for SoO than I am for DS.

Cata was colossally mismanaged. Nearly six months of the same 3 raids is a surefire way to bore a playerbase to tears. Rise of the Zandalari was a nearly inconsequential patch that provided roughly normal raid ilvl gear to raiders who were largely BiS in heroic gear, which lasted for 3 months.

I don’t know if its poor management is due to ineptitude or by trying to time releases outside SoD and Retail. Either way, it’s a sign of what’s to come in MoP.


Youre delusional. Cata only has 100k total active players. Thats hardly the majority of who was playing wrath and BC.

From where I’m sitting, Orgrimmar sure looks pretty populated for a dead game.

And there’s still plenty of BH runs being formed on LFG chat.


Stormwind is so crowded that it’s hard to click on the mailboxes near the AH because they’re surrounded by so many players.


I can’t wait for WoD SoD Hardcore.

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So still more than SOD where all the dev effort goes huh.

I would love them to finally give era tbc and wrath just to see how dead they are after the final content comes out.

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Well aren’t these new classic servers they are opening going to progress to TBC anyway? So kind of like that.

we don’t know where the new servers will stop.

what the op and others want is servers that stay on tbc and wrath forever and they always reckon tens of thousands of players want that also, I disagree and think the pop would crater just like classic era did originally

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