Cataclysm Classic

So do you think they’ll do it? I feel like the corporate greed will force them to. They see classic wrath doing well, no reason not to continue milking this money train! choo choo!

Personally I will play it, that’s the truth. I hate to say it but I will play Cata classic if it comes out. But I will do so begrudgingly, and only because friends and guildmates will probably also play.


Why’s that?

Cataclysm sends us back to Kalimdor and Eastern Kingdoms. They still needed to work on giving us a reason to revisit older areas to keep zones populated.
Cataclysm marks a key pivot in raid difficulty and challenge, but its still before the era of addon arms race raid design
Cataclysm spreads out the buffs to more classes to make 10man raiding more viable, and I think the smaller raid sizes feel better.


i can’t wait for cata classic. always had more fun in that expansion than in Wrath


Either play it because you want to, or don’t. You don’t have to validate your opinion just because it’s popular to hate on the expansion


look at the recent additions to icc. they’re from cata!

it’s almost certain imo

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IDK. I was looking forward to it, but since they announced that they are going to bring Dungeon Finder to Wrath, I’m checking out Retail. Not sure if it’ll keep my interest, but I also doubt I’ll play Cata Classic now, if they do decide to go with it.

Why would rdf make you go back to retail when rdf is in retail as well?



Because Retail is a better game at being retail. Classic is better at being an MMO. So if classic is going to be retail, then might as well play the best iteration of retail. At least that’s the logic of the statement.


IMO retail has too many systems on top of systems on top of systems. I shouldn’t have to look up a guide just to see what the current relevant content is, only to find out halfway through grinding it that I’m looking at last patch’s guide and should actually be doing this instead in order to get the best catch up gear

Life was simpler when every single patch didn’t need its own quest hub with catch up gear that invalidates everything before it…


Yeah, I got to level cap and finished the main campaign in DF about a month after launch, and as soon as you get to the main city, your map just lights up with 1000 icons on what to do, and there’s 30 currencies to farm, and there is just so much going on. It’s kinda disorienting and a bit off putting.

The leveling felt good though.


Which is a shame because Dragonflight actually does have some really good things going for it, like the leveling as you said. God I’d love to have that sort of leveling experience in Classic. I’m in a similar boat, got to cap early after launch and had a decent idea of what was going on, but I took a break for a couple of patches, came back and am so lost on what to do because there’s just so much…to this day I still don’t even know what the “current” hub is, I think it’s still Zaralek cavern or whatever it’s called?

I can’t even imagine what it’s like for someone hitting level cap for the first time lol


I think with all the systems and currencies and the renown and farming, it just feels like wow is designed to be like a 20 hour/week MMO. Where as classic and FF feel like its only an 8 hour/week MMO.

You can play longer, but retail wow just feels like you have to commit so much more to feel like you are doing well.

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It’s like the developers are afraid they can’t get people to keep playing the game because it’s fun, so they have to develop it in a way that you have to play if you want to keep up

Then you’ve got FF14 where Yoshi P. is on record saying (paraphrased) "Hey man, sub however long you want and enjoy yourself, then come back when you’re ready to play again, we’ll be here for you :slight_smile: "


Yeah, and the recent “hey, we lowered the amount of times you need to run current savage raid tier to get full BIS. There’s a lot of good games coming out this summer”

Just feel like they respect your time more. Less grinds for the sake of grinding.


omg, let this socialization / server community lie die already

there was never a server community to begin with. not even in vanilla

You know not what you do!! You will awaken them!

I kinda wanted classic to remain old world mostly. I didn’t hate cata, but it wasn’t my favorite either, cata is when org and stormwind got updates too, and the old world became the world we know now. mostly.

I hope they do it because its the greatest expansion ever created, especially for PvP. Cant wait.


Actually - I agree with this. Cata PVP was really great, its the last time I remember really enjoying wow pvp tbh.