Cataclysm Classic

To hold up to the same standards as with RDF, they need to remove PvP queue UI and remove same faction PvP.

Me too I can’t wait for Cata

Not having RDF or LFR would be more of a “I’ll stick around to watch the fire burn it all down”.

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I don’t care all that much for end level dungeons but for leveling I would hope for a rdf auto. It is pain trying to get a st or other dungeon which have 4-10 quests in them. I really hope we can keep a wrath era as the token will make it very profitable.

I don’t mind either way

Cool i can’t wait for some kid to spam slurs at me and roll need on everything that drops and holding the group hostsge while being unkickable.

You know, the authentic experience.

yeah, im going into classic servers until RDF is out, kinda a waste of time i rather play other games wow is already a demanding game no need to make it worse

I can’t wait to hear the amount of tears and crying when Cata Dungeons come out being too difficult too hard.

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I don’t really care if RDF is in or not because I’ll never use it. I’ll just wait until my friends/guild are online. I just want the pre-nerf Cata heroics.

If I remember correctly (and it has been a while) those pre-nerf heroics were pretty difficult and had a ton of things you had to stay out of
and the gnashing of teeth back then was pretty bad

Please correct me if I am not remembering this correctly.

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Yeah, they were super difficult, and people in RDF couldn’t clear them, so they had to nerf the Heroics for the RDF crowd.

Looking back the biggest reason why I didn’t like Cata heroics at the time was my internet connection. I had really bad satellite internet and I was over two seconds in my lag. I dreaded even doing the run back to VanCleef as the one hit kill spinning pole things were impossible to dodge when I couldn’t see the hit boxes on my connection (as my toon was two seconds behind where it was on my screen.)

Lowbie random BG with gold and loot bags. That was cata right? That was one of my favorite periods of wow. I had servers filled with lowbies I was leveling via pvp. Not sure if the pop will be high enough to keep the brackets popping.

That doesn’t happen nearly as much as people make it out to be, and I’d say it’s quite rare. The vast majority of people just want to get it done as fast as possible and aren’t looking to troll.

classic andys revel in toxicity, but now this extremely rare event is suddenly a a huge problem

Pretty sure RDF will be implemented next patch so OPs question is irrelevant.

I personally don’t care. Getting into groups is easy as any role, so the lack of RDF really only affects low level groups.

I think there is a good argument for leveling dungeons getting rdf. But that also just leads to the meta of people sitting afk in town and leveling by spam queueing and kills the overworld.

That is kind of what I was remembering too.

For me it just has to not mess the pvp. PVE side
I did not like cata. It was not even fun one shotted. Retail side the pve extent was soon as I got my BM hunter her 2 ben’thalos (matching set ocd for pets lol) pets
I left.

I only came back for the raid farming for fire kitty druid appearance since SL made that a permanent barber shop option if you picked it up. So I picked it up.

way better than past raids