The best thing they could do with a cataclysm rehost is rework it to cap at 65. No outland, no northrend, no flying mounts. I’ve said this many times now, but I don’t count on it happening. What I would count on is cataclysm being DOA and/or empty within months of launch.
my issue with this though is that if all the rewards are brought up to max level then there needs to be some sort of limit on running them. because like this example states DFT from Gruul being sought after again, and that’s well and good since it’s only a 2 boss raid, but what if you have BiS from Illidan or C’thun and your other raiders have BiS from Vash’j, Kael’thas, Kel’thuzad, Yogg-saron, and Arthas? are you gonna be “forced” to run every major raid weekly to get the gear?
hopefully it’s just timewalking from retail, and it opens up the raids from those expansions for the week before it does a different event the next week
In an ideal world people wouldn’t be so concerned about every 0.0001% BiS and just run whatever’s fun because they already know the gear they’re wearing is perfectly fine to clear the content
But, one must remember this is the WoW community we’re talking about…
pls god no
DST* btw DFT is the dumb BWL trinket everyone wanted
As I heard it, presumably yes. Which would me most classes immediately have legendary weapons to grind out lol… and Shadowmourne to regrind out.
Oh, definitely I imagine that if they do go through with it, it will be spread out over the 3 phases Cataclysm has or be given phases of their own.
Something like T11 > Classic Raids > T12 > TBC Raids > T13 > Wrath raids or some combination of mismatched raids of the previous expansions in those three close to making for a 6-Phase Cataclysm instead of the 3-Phase Cataclysm it would be.
Something akin to their successful (from what I have heard) time-walking raids for the final stretch of Shadowlands.
Never actually mentioned. It was specifically “Providing reliable methods to find groups”. Would RDF be that? Yes, but it was not stated outright.
Just fine? They have different entrances it would just be two versions.
Seems they are thinking about doing the exact opposite. Giving you a flying mount early. Rushing you through the leveling process, then giving you a crap ton of potential content to do at level cap.
I am thinking it would be Timewalking phases otherwise Cataclysm would be extremely short (I think most expansions would be extremely short with only a few raid tiers)
Right… I always get those two mixed up lol
if all of the 2,000 current live Wrath players combined with the might of 100,000 bots in Wrath answer the survey you can bet changes will be made
While cata isn’t as bad as people claim we should keep era. It is an ok expansion but I would have liked to have some tbc with maybe hard and easy mode raids for those who missed out on pre-nerf t5.
implies opposite but I do understand your point and will read your reply appropriately.
my analogy is towards the costs of updating/repairs in comparison to the costs of buying a new vehicle over putting money into something that will keep needing to be fixed to continue running. Though I can see how your suggestion would also fit.
My supposition is when do the costs of updating and adapting an older game become, essentially, equal to the cost of just a new development.
Given the overhaul that is put forward in the OP’s video, it looks like it will take a high level of work or development time to make things like old raids adapt to a higher level. What they are setting themselves up to do (in this insanely early sneak peak/teaser) is remake Cataclysm.
Given this is all currently supposition and with nothing set in stone, I think it’s generaly fair to ask why not just redirect resources to a new WoW spin off title instead of building on old bones. Building on old bones to fit the retail client having been one of the more common excuses blizz has made during this classic experiment so far.
I think given their previous statements about entire games and releases being scrapped if the deadline can’t be met, and the gutting of the OW2 PVE mode (I think they’re revisiting it as a micro transaction model now) tells me they aren’t going to be making any new games, but seeing the changes they are proposing for classic Cata comes off as a much larger undertaking than what we have seen since classic era til now.
I am very interested to see what they do, if not a little bummed to not get a second run through Cata as it was to see if it was really as bad as I remember or if I am just jaded towards that expansion.
Ok. No idea if any of this is real or just a wishlist. I will be interested in finding out. As if right now, i intend to quit 100% after ICC. Due to not having RDF. And i dont care if they added ut back in cata. I am so angry about wotlk being ruined by not having rdf. Just like phase 2 in classic, i will never forget. And i wont let them ruin my experience ever again. I quit retail before so i am very capable of quitting again. But… solo que arenas? Ok, im still quitting, but maybe, maybe …hmmmmmm
It is neither real nor a wishlist. It is a survey to see what people would want.
But regardless, good ideas
Then you should have been angry at wotlk since 2008. Rdf wasnt added until the end patch of wrath, which marks “retail” for a lot people. Small reminder, retail still has rdf and you can always play it
Odd way to say over 45% of the games life time but sure. Also RS was the last patch of Wrath.
Odd thing you don’t see that Wrath had a massive content drought. The fact they only released 2 (new) major raids in 2 years says a lot
Was not a patch, just a raid that got added because as I said, massive content drought. 3.3 was the last major patch.
RDF from the ICC patch was in the game roughly 45-48% of the games life. Your “last patch” is disingenuous language.
3.3.5 was indeed a patch, and the last major content patch of wrath. It also came out after the content drought.
It is STILL the last patch. Just because last patch last long, it doesnt make it more important. The development of the expansion ended and barely anyone joined during that patch.
Patch 3.3.5 is a minor content patch introducing the [Ruby Sanctum] raid and cross-game chat using []
No it wasnt. Stop the trolling. You cant say that adding one boss is major patch and there is a reason they used x.x.5
Solo Q arena in cata would be unbalanced as heck.
Hope you enjoy blood death knights stacking mastery to be unkillable machines.
no it wasn’t.
I was not the one saying it wasn’t a patch.
Still a patch that came later than the ICC patch did. meaning that the patch including RDF was not the last one released.
Stop being disingenuous in your statements.
Already imbalanced in retail but people like it so
It was the last major content patch. If you are incapable to understand it is not my fault. Adding a dragon because the raid lasted too long and people complained is not a major patch, it isnt even a minor patch to a certain degree. Even ToC got a full patch number and it literally 5 bosses in one room.
I dont know… Maybe that Cataclysm came afterwards? Did you miss that point?
You are right, you said its a major. Makes it even worse lol
Woah. What? Hype
Which was not the last patch of the game as you claimed prior, so what was 3.3.5? a minor patch or not one at all? you aren’t being consistent in your incredulity. Which is hilarious since you are trying to throw something back at me that just isn’t going to stick.
Move goal posts all you would like but the fact of the matter is your claim is wrong. RDF was not the last patch of wrath.
So you are still wrong and at best still being disingenuous.
Not a citation, show me where dev time on wrath actually ended, that would be a citation. Your statement says nothing about when development was concluded. You are essentially claiming that there was no dev time spent on wrath post ICC release which was still 45-48% of the remainder of the game.
You claimed it was not a patch at all, I fail to see where you think this is a gotcha. Have fun with your false information.