Cataclysm Classic: Rage of the Firelands Update Arrives on October 29; Firelands Raid on November 7

Bingo. If you’ve been hoarding chaos orbs, then expect to make bank if they become unbound with Firelands. But it’s near 100% that they won’t become unbound until Dragon Soul. By then it will be pointless to craft patterns like the engineering goggles as there are so many better options, and there won’t be nearly as much demand for chaos orbs on the AH.

dragon soul has its own set of patterns that require chaos orbs

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Well ill look forward to your 100 topics complaining that blizzard once again lied to the playerbase. Should put your topics about P1 being too long in a word doc so you can just edit come january.

Ah okay thanks, that makes sense. But I think my point still stands that the older/release day recipes/patterns become obsolete by Dragon Soul. For example, I don’t think engineering gets new goggle patterns in Dragon Soul, or at least Wowhead isn’t showing it.

I’m already ahead of you; I have one for that and another for feral. They are considered live documents as they are constantly growing and being adjusted.

This is the case but the fact still remains that choas orbs are still viable in Dragon soul for crafting. This is also yet anther reason why heroics still remain relevant and we dont need H+ dungeons added to the game. As the choas orbs are the main purpose to run heroics.

It’s actually Fire Mage prio. At least if the guild has any sense and actually wants it to go to the class that does the most damage.

Eh you give it to the player not the class typically.

Give it 6 months from nov 7, i guarantee your going to be regretting this :rofl: :person_shrugging: . P1 has so much great engaging content, people just hate it cause how longs its been. Firelands was so overhyped, 3/7 of the fights are brain dead boring as is. 4 if your not flying around on alysrazor.

Raids gonna be 45 min. 1/3rd that time spent on ragnaros, lame. I dont need to fight 1 boss for 15 min. I miss when fights were 6ish minutes top with enrage timers. Imagine being in a raid 3 hrs cause you wiped 4 times on 1 boss bc your tank cant press taunt at the right time :rofl: after fighting a boss for 12 minutes.

Game about to be in rumbles.

Do you think firelands will have a higher or lower clear rate than t11?

I think t11 ended with around a 35% clear rate.

Firelands higher for sure, Rag will hard wall 6/7 early on but especially with gearing its insane how easy these fights are going to be a few weeks in.

T11 was so much content so much to learn. First time in cata for many (a minority?) of us. Cata was a big game play change and a demographic of us are much more adjusted to it now.

(not to mention it weeded out a lot of bad players who didnt realize how hard they’ve been carried) remember when Heroics were hard to pug because people didnt know how to tranq dispell kick.

Yea I didn’t do cata either back then, I joined the Navy and missed Cata and MOP.

We went 13/13H in July, not sure how good that is.

I don’t think firelands will be that big of an issue, but I also like prog.

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yeah, once all the prog is done… exactly my point.

you’re cherry picking. you look at 75% or 95% or look at some of the hardest fights in the tier like nef and sinestra (plus many more) and feral is firmly middle of the pack or at worst top of the general “underperformers”. Feral also brings so much utility in an off-tank that is always available. it’s one spec that can tank and dps. imo, playing feral and refusing to off-tank is like a hunter that won’t misdirect or lay traps critical to an encounter. i’m not saying you can’t mono-cat if your guild doesn’t need an off-tank, but you have to consider the value of this and how OP it would be if buffed even 5%. if you are ignoring the inherent value of being able to off-tank, really that’s on you.

almost every 25 man raid i’m in personally has a feral or two. the only reason they aren’t played as much is because they aren’t an s-tier dps. and people are lazy and don’t want to occasionally off-tank. do you remember the spike in feral players when they were buffed in wotlk classic?

i maintain that frost mage and bm hunter should see minor buffs to bring them in line with the middle of the pack dps. and fire mage and unholy need a small nerf to bring them in line with the rest of the dps as well. bdk too, they’re just too strong. you can’t buff the other tanks up to this level, its too extreme. bdk NEEDS to come down a notch.



Wrong feral Tank and Feral dps are 2 different builds

Tanks take
Thick Hide
Natural Reaction

Where cat dps spec doesnt instead they take

Predatory Strikes
Brutal Impact
Nurturing Instinct
Blood in the Water
Primal Madness

and because Cat dps doesnt take Thick hide they are not Def capped!!!

It’s important to note that Feral DPS and Feral tanks require two separate sets of gear. While some items are interchangeable, it’s best to have duplicates that are appropriately gemmed and enchanted. As an off-tank for my guild during certain fights, I maintain two sets and two specs. If I’m needed to tank, I switch to my tank spec with my tank gear; if I’m needed for DPS, I switch to my DPS spec with my DPS gear.

The fact remains that ferals require a buff as they are currently being outperformed by PvP specialized classes like Subtlety rogues. Desiring ferals to reach a competitive level should not be met with apprehension. I’m not advocating for them to become S tier again; I simply wish for them to be competitive enough to keep up with my guildmates in raids.

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Feral is performing as intended.

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Not if you’re looking for a cheaper way to gear an alt, and catch up. 378 crafts could be useful in a pinch.
Embers will obviously go down in price, and Essences will be expensive.

Have to acknowledge that 99% of playerbase didn’t see Rag on feet in original cata, even by the end of the expansion.

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Well, T11 is almost twice the number of bosses.

I don’t feel like it’s a big ask for them to elaborate on staff changes they’re making.

lol Demo lock is way more powerful than fire or unholy outside of a few cheese fights for fire. And they’re getting a free 20% damage on their most powerful ability from a bugged glyph. C’mon now.

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Lmao I’ve never heard more cope in my entire life :joy:


Hey now! Don’t nerf the demon spec pls