Cataclysm Classic: Rage of the Firelands Update Arrives on October 29; Firelands Raid on November 7

No changes is the correct way to approach, produce, and release CATA Classic.

It’s faster compared to the original release. That was the statement they made.

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ok so we get 1 piece of useful data here. release date. they know they need to buff leggo staff acquisition speed but probably haven’t figured it out yet for sure. so we got an answer that immediately requires another question. all things considered, i don’t care. happy to find out before or on November 7th.

what’s upsetting to me is that we have clear-cut underperforming specs in the game with no buff, no recognition, and no solution. these specs get you laughed at, ridiculed or refused entry to pugs and even guild runs alike, and not just for heroic runs - normal too. biggest example is of course frost mage, then bm hunter. you could include fury, arcane, mm, but most of these classes are content to play their other specs. even sub has pulled ahead of the rest of these, enough that they cannot use the “pvp spec” excuse to refuse to buff frost mage anymore either. finally of course the shield tanks. at the end of firelands once you have most of your bis you finally become barely viable, sacrificing stamina + expertise/hit at a desperate lunge towards ctc, at which point bdk still stomps your tanking overall to dust with still 20% more survivability on top of ridiculous damage and the ability to gem and talent however you please because it doesn’t really matter you’re just too good regardless.

and nothing in the game deserves a nerf more than fire mage, blood dk, unholy dk. if nothing else it flattens the curve and makes it pretty clear that all the other specs are pretty close once you nerf these outliers a smidge.

i don’t see any of this changing much if at all with new tier bonuses either.

buff: frost mage, bm, prot pally, prot warr.

nerf: fire mage, bdk, unholy.

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I’d say its the time to spam pvp gear since prepatch usually opens up options and discounts on pvp vendors.

pvp ends the 21st. this is 29th. Unless we get a lax conquest conversion window
its looking hairy there.

They still need to address the fact that feral dps need a buff they can and should revert the “The reduction from 415% to 340% weapon damage for (cat) Feral Druids” Nerf at the very least.

The only 2 specs that feral are beating in the 90% logs is MM and frost mage!!!

You forgetting about FERAL DPS!!!

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Every single DPS class has a viable spec they can use to DPS. No changes should be made. The only one you could even argue for is Feral Druid, since their DPS spec is drastically different than Moonkins being melee instead of ranged.

Shield tanks will be on par with blood DKs, or even better than on certain fights once they can hit their avoidance cap. Late Firelands into DS will be the most balanced tanking situation yet, so there is no reason to issue any changes.

Otherwise, if you aren’t getting into groups, then you need to start your own. Because at this point, you are your own problem.

Completely agree that fire mages need a nerf. Dk’s are fine. Blood Dk’s damage mostly comes from AoE, so it seems high at first glance but is fine overall when you consider how many trash packs there were.

How about a buff to Affliction Locks? Their dot damage is a joke, particularly in PvP.

The fact that blizz removed the FFF Glyph but still chose to keep the “The reduction from 415% to 340% weapon damage for (cat) Feral Druids” Nerf from the very last patch of OG cata is absurd

if you do the math that nerf is a 18.07% over all damage nerf accross the board which is massive it would take feral from being F tier damage to around B tier. which would allow feral druids to be competitive. Now blizz wanted to make Feral S tier they could ALL of the following.

  1. add the FFF Glyph back and revert that nerf.
  2. Increase Bleed damage by 100%
  3. increase our mastery by 50%

But most feral druids would just happy with the “The reduction from 415% to 340% weapon damage for (cat) Feral Druids” Nerf being reverted!!!

PvP is an after-“thot”

Chaos orbs weren’t unbound until dragon soul, I don’t see that changing, which is sad for the new patterns. But it seems like everyone thinks it’s going to be not soulbound, I feel like every dungeon is 5/5 needing on orbs.

No one cares about feral, there is 3200 of you playing.

No one cares.

They arent getting buffed.

Just stop.

Its a bad feeling to think about how many players already left, and then how many more will leave by the time this comes out
 they really did not pace this out well. rip.


I am just hoping in horde with dates now it gets some bodies in the 3 hour honor farms.

I have a fresh horde 85 I’d like to fix up. But WG and TB are just wastes of time to do on offence.

and defence ain’t much better. you jsut pray for a quick death. Say 300 honor for 3 minutes
well its just 3 minutes. Go refill that glass of water or something. The end will come, no need to worry about that.

Have to agree with how inappropriate it is to have 22 weeks of phase 1 and prospected 12-14 weeks of phase 2. Makes no sense to me.


They will extend the phase to march or april. They will have to do the next tww patch and sod patch in the jan/feb time frame.

6 months of Phase 1 (ZA/ZG was not a real phase) I’m not certain whose brilliant plan it was to unveil the troll dungeon as a “phase,” but in hindsight, it’s hilariously appropriate they called it a “troll phase.”

The reality is that two five-man heroic dungeons should not be classified as a phase; there’s simply not enough content to warrant such a designation. Traditionally, since the launch of Classic, every phase has included at least one new raid. Moreover, from TBC through WotLK, with the exception of the Phase five of Wrath, each new phase introduced a PvP season.

It was stated that the content release would be expedited; the troll dungeons should have launched 6-8 weeks following the start of Phase 1, then Firelands should have been released another 6-8 weeks later. Had this been the case, the player base might not be in its current state today.

A lot of people care about Feral. It’s not played by a lot of people because of the complex rotation/priority list versus the reward of damage. It isn’t worth it to the “I wanna top meters mentality” players. We are just asking for a buff to be competitive, not to top the meters. Unlike you and your “REVERT the Ele T12 set so we get unlimited Fire Ele buff,” so your brain-dead spec and its brain-dead rotation can stay at S-tier damage. With little to no effort!!!

I certainly hope that’s not the case! The favoritism towards retail and SoD is often cited as a downfall for Cata.

god I hope not. Firelands was a cool raid, but not that cool.

Honestly, I would have rather had Firelands for 6 months than 6 months of P1 raid content. At least Firelands has something almost half your raid is chasing. (lego staff) Three months of P1, six months of P2, and three months of P3 would have been fine. There is your 1 year expac life time. Not six months of P1 because Blizzard focused more on SoD and retail and treated Cata like a red-headed stepchild. ** which is ALSO, the CURRENT state of FERAL DPS!!! (BUFF FERAL DPS)**

Revert the "reduction from 415% to 340% weapon damage for (cat) Feral Druids” Nerf

The 18.07% reduction in overall damage significantly impairs the class/spec’s viability in competitive play and diminishes the overall enjoyment of the game.

Buff Feral DPS!!!

Also if you want Feral to be S tier damage since it is an ORANGE class Buff our bleed damage by 100% and the beneift we get from mastery by 50% Make Feral Great again.

But you wanna make us super broken like fire mages with there lego staff give us FFF glyph back!!!

I agree that Chaos Orbs are unlikely to be unbound. Mores the pity. They would be very useful now, but by the time they are unbound, no one will want them.

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They are going to take into consideratin they are releasing FL 3 weeks before the holiday season where most raiding guilds will be dealing with the roster boss due to absenses because of vacations and family time.

Thats a possible loss of 2 weeks of raiding considering christmas is in the middle of the week this year and at least on my server the majority of raiding guilds do tue- thurs in some combo.

Take in the fact SoD go their phase at the end of september and they are waiting a month to release FL. I can easily seeing DS at least mid february like BWD was released in classic.

The week of feb 18th would be 16 weeks i can see DS released that week.

Blizzard already said a January release for DS!!!