Cataclysm Classic: Rage of the Firelands Update Arrives on October 29; Firelands Raid on November 7

Really are actually going for 6 months of phase 1? that is ridiculous.


It’s even worse than I thought, the Felhunter glyph is a 20% damage buff for all pets. Shocking that they haven’t fixed a bug like that.

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its crazy!!! Blizz tried to play ZA/ZG as Phase 2 but its not really a phase it brought absolultey nothing any phase before it did. No new raid(s)/Arena Season. Then they said that Firelands would be launched in October but its not being released until November 7th which is horrible!!!

P1 raids where launched in May P2 raids not launching until Novemeber is crazy
May - June 1st month
June - July 2nd month
July - August 3rd month
August - September- 4th month
September - October - 5th month
October - November - 6th month

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We both know this doesn’t count. I’m with you on the 5 month (approaching 6) phase 1 being r-word, but bro, Cata didn’t release till May 20th. So at Nov 20th would be 6, I’m with you but calm down haha

T11 released May 30th. FL is coming Nov 7th. That’s 5 months and 1 week.

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The T11 was released on May 22nd, and the T12 is set to release on November 7th. That is 24 weeks 1 day.

Average month has 4 weeks 24/4 = 6

Uh, no, I was there, it opened on the 30th.


Tier 11 opened up May 30th.

Are you ever right about anything?


so is the valor still turning t the same amount of gold as last time?

You spelled *great wrong. Would be *great if this just go to the void.

F gdkp

Oh that’s fair, that’s so much better, carry on Blizzard, its only FIVE MONTHS OF PHASE 1.


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don’t assume players go gdkp i hate them too

(post deleted by author)

I was replying to Jezzalock who said

“3 of my gdkp groups alrdy potted 2million on the first staff. Would be lame if this just go to the void.”

so you’re subbed more than one week.

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Too true. I think my sub ends the 21st.

I must decide the month, 6 months or get the mounts on the 12 month. They aren’t half bad. I’ve never had issues with the graphics and sound people at blizzard. they hit homeruns usually. Its the actual devs who I go wth is this now really.

I lean to the month. I need horde pvp to come back to WG and TB. Besides one run on saturday (my time) ironwolf from grobb floods WG premade style. Its my 1 win for the week as horde.

I literally clear my schedule for what is 1000 japan time for that. the world can wait 15 minutes. I must have horde here lol!

as its the only match its not 80+ alliance on 15 for the whole week. I wish that was hyperbole. its sadly a fact of horde life of late.

It be nice to see even tower honor in wg at this point. I hope FL new pvp season makes that happen. For a few months.

brother i can’t argue these points. all i know is that i did a hybrid of these specs best as i could figure out and my feral performs adequate enough to kill heroic raid bosses as a dps and can tank in my full kitty gearset and im still tanky enough to survive. i have tanked all bosses minus sinestra, but many pulls on nef (h).

feral is an ABSOLUTE BAWSE in every aspect outside of strict “parsing”. this is my opinion, based on my own judgement, and backed up by no facts.

as it has been known for a long time, feral shines in cata, (and gets it’s raid spot) because you can be the offtank and then go kitty form and do more dps than any other offtank and that has VALUE.


i didn’t realize this, pls nerf

you don’t have to do GDKP if don’t like it. Its a player invented system that involves in-game currency, i don’t see anything wrong with that.

And by all means don’t say it promotes RMT because Blizzard alrdy supports RMT by having tokens

This won’t work. They want pure feral. I won’t be the one to tell them later expacs weaving is just how this class is run. those balances won’t be looked at either.

At least until SL if they even classic that. AND
even that took hybrid guardian/feral talents.

especially in pvp. Currently feral is good there almost pure.

Later on on wow life
they will weave forms like a tapestry really. especially in capture the flags likes WSG.

What you are? Bear, cat, ghost/owlbear, travel form?


which one?


Accept that and be the one your team loves and the enemy rushes to the forums to demand its nerf lol.

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im aware of this, which is why i generally don’t argue the point.

this guy:

what you give up to be “unable to tank” is intentional imo. the extra points you get to put into pure feral damage talents are worth probably less than 0.5% damage per talent point. points you could have in thick hide, pulverize and natural reaction being wasted into “pure feral” predatory strikes, nurturing instinct and primal madness are a joke imo.

i tank in pure dps gear unless were having issues with our healing roster, in which case i’ll throw on stamina trinkets, but that’s pretty rare. this is the spec i run with.

i could drop blood in the water for points in perserverance for a tankier build, but i don’t find it necessary.

feral is already so good, just such incredible value. a 5% pure damage boost would be too much. it would put them just under the OP specs and for a spec that can fill the offtank role as well thats pretty strong.