Cataclysm Classic PvP Season 10 Ending Soon

PvP Season 10 in Cataclysm Classic – the Ruthless Gladiator season – will end at 10:00 p.m. PST on Monday, February 10.

That’s 1:00 a.m. EST on Tuesday, February 11, and 17:00 AEDT.

so patch on 18th with raid open on the 20th, or patch on 25th with raid open on 27th?



Blizzard never releases the raids 2 days after the phase launches its always 1-2weeks later.

So with that being said Season 10 will end on the 10th
Phase 3 will launch on the 25th
Dragon soul will launch the week of March 3rd(03/06/2025) or March 10th. (03/13/2023)

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DS on Feb 27th, if it follows the patterns for the last few season endings.

I doubt that Blizzard always has a two-week intermission between the seasons. Then there is another intermission between phase launch and raid launch.

That’s not true…go look at Season 7 and 9 (the last 2 seasons with a cutover). Its 10 days and 17 days, between announced end and raid open. 27th would be exactly a match with the season 9 dates going into Firelands.

Season 9 had 214 gladiator spots. Season 10 has 34.

Any plans on addressing the dead population?


Most of the problem is alot of specs just are not good.

MOP fixes this problem.

The other problem is the PvP lfg tool is terrible. You have to go into the “custom” setting to find the other PvPers…the old LFG tool had a PvP section.
Until they put the old LFG tool back in or make it easier to find teammates, the problem will continue.

I love MOP but lets not kid ourselves, with TBC out MOP will be completely dead after one season

Bold prediction.
80% of classes/spec suck in TBC arenas.
Why would the majority leave a balanced PvP expansion to go to an unbalanced meta one?

Makes no sense.

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You’re in shock, someone get him out of here.

He’s delusional. He sees graphite. Take him to the infirmary.