now we can’t use conquest points? would have been nice to see this announced
A heads up that the option to convert valor points to honor would be removed, would have been nice
Valor = Conq not Honor
Justice points are converted to Honor.
three days ago I was still able to buy some honor with my spare valor points when I bought a transmog piece. Today I checked and the option is gone. It was probably removed yesterday, along the ending of this pvp season. Apparently they do this a few weeks before the release of a new pvp season
That’s because the arena season ended last night, so Blizzard the option to convert Valor to Conquest. However, you can still convert Justice Points to Honor at a rate of 375 Justice Points for 250 Honor.
Yeah, TBC Classic Classic.
So…will there be a new PvP season in cata or….?
hey honor is bugged and season total earned is not tracking right
please fix
When do season 10 titles come out?