Cataclysm Classic Hotfixes - February 27

when are you going to fix feral dps?

Bad Mr. Kitty!

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This still is not fixed, :slight_smile: .

yeah well neither is Feral druid. Bearweaving is still here after 6+ months even after blizz said it was not the intended playstyle. But they still ignore it. instead they buffed a 2 button rotation S tier class that dropped to A tier instead of focusing on a F tier dps class.

Still of the illusion feral is F teir i see.

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Its not an illusion it is a fact according to WCL Feral dps is ranked 19/23 That is F tier damage.

And ignores their utility benefits.

Brez. They can tranquility to help on a high aoe damage phase when there isnt a target to hit (example spider boss doing its aoe damage from up top). They can off tank better than any other dps that is focused purely on dps, they have group mobility with stampeeding roar (especially useful on rag), good self mobility with sprint and pounce, the list goes on. I am not a feral player, but i definatly know they have some amazing utility.

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DKs also have this and it is also easier for boomy/restro to brez then a feral.

requires popping out kitty to cast this again easier for boomy to cast this. Boomy also have spellpower which makes there transq better then feral.

If they are speced into 3/3 Thick hide if not they are not def capped and get crushing blows/crit and die.

Pounce is only useable from stealth.

This is the only thing that you said that was accurate.

You don’t say.

BOOMY possesses the same utilities and they are more beneficial for users, except for Stampeding Roar. Additionally, they are not considered F tier in terms of damage.

Just because others have it doesnt mean its not a valuable utility.

Feral druids can still do it though. And it can stack with other druids tranquility.

So if you have a boomkin and a feral in a raid , them BOTH using it can output a good raid cd together, because yes it does less than a resto druids tranquility, but with both it can get close to being as effective as a resto using it.

They are still the best non tank at tanking. And they can use survival instincts and barkskin, their mastery still benefits their tanking, their primary stat increases their dodge chance still, and crushing blows is a chance, not a garentee. By no means am i saying they will holf the boss for 30+ seconds. But they can pick up the boss, pop their defensive CDs, and the raid gets time to get reorganized and try to find a solution.

Bear charge if they need to move to an enemy fast

Boomy has its own downsides as casters, and ranged.

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Even after being given all the facts you still refuse to admit you are wrong nt surpised from someone who posts on a level 10.

The fact is that Boomy and restro all have the same utilies and are not ranked as F tier specs for druids.

Stop the cope and just admit it’s a skill problem not a class/spec problem. Even I can admit I suck at the game.

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November 18, 2024

Cataclysm Classic

  • Added new recipes to professions trainers. These allow players to create iLvl 358 items.
    • Inscription – Bloodthirsty Charm of Triumph, Bloodthirsty Eyeball of Dominance, and Bloodthirsty Jawbone of Conquest.
    • Jewelcrafting - Bloodthirsty Ruby Choker, Bloodthirsty Sapphire Necklace, Bloodthirsty Amberjewel Pendant, Bloodthirsty Ruby Signet, Bloodthirsty Amberjewel Band, and Bloodthirsty Sapphire Ring.
    • Leatherworking - Bloodthirsty Fur Cloak, Bloodthirsty Hide Cloak.
    • Tailoring - Bloodthirsty Embersilk Cape.
  • Firelands
    • The Harbingers of Flame should no longer fail to spawn inside The Anvil of Conflagration.

any update on players past the FOCI portion of the DTR quest chain not being able to help other raid members obtain the branch? We can open the portal for them, but they aren’t able to loot the staff.

We basically need someone to be on the foci quest and not turn in branch if we want to not have to do the foci acquisition portion every week.

How about addressing Feral dps? 6 months of F tier damage is not alright!! You guys have already said that bearweaving is not the INTENDED PLAYSTYLE. But its the normal for feral. You guys are constantly ignoring feral while focusing on shaman? Which is already an S tier class and in T12 without the T12 set bonus change would have only dropped to A tier. While FERAL IS STILL F tier!!

Nobody cares, stop spamming anywhere and everywhere you look like an absolute chump that can’t figure out his class. Doesn’t seem to matter what the topic is you’ve got a post crying about it. Go play a pure dps class and top the charts if that’s all that matters. If it’s not about being the top of the chart then enjoy the toolkit you bring to the raid and the price that comes with it. Are you being kicked from or denied entry to raids because of it? Seriously though you’re getting really annoying with the spamming.


Blizz Can you please fix feral druids?! For the love of God. Feral is ranked 19 out of 22 for over 6 months this is not ok!!! I dont care if other players are upset about the posts or not because me and the other feral druid players are upset about you ignoring us. We are using fourms as a tool to Vocalize the issue at hand and ignoring us will not make us go away.

You’re literally one of the only ones talking about it. Stop spamming on every thread and just accept that it’s an issue of skill and move on.


brother what have you done to play feral at peak to prove feral is bad? i looked at your logs and you parse a 55 on average compared to your own feral friends

if an orange parsing feral druid said we got problems… we got problems

the best ryolith player in the world on feral did 30k dps

you did 15k

just so you know the best demo in the world parsed 34k. so i wouldnt say in peak gameplay feral is too far off from ok - not great. but everything is relative. if they make one thing good they make others worse

top 10% of the players dont speak for the rest of the 90%!!

Look at the over all data from WCL Feral dps is ranked 19 out 22 that is F tier damage!!!

I started playing a dead spec and immediately placed top 10 world wide. That’s validation that you’ll never do what a better spec can, but you’re at least doing it right. Remember me advocating for holy priest…

To be playing a dead spec bottom 50% it means self reflection needs to take place.

I’m all for suggesting that your spec is struggling but I think your rotation is struggling even more.