Cataclysm Classic Hotfixes - February 27

There is alot that goes into parses more then damage.

my guild does not do Parse chasing strats we dont have fast kills i dont get external buffs to do more damage. so falling in the average player is what happens when these things happen. So looking at the class as a whole they are ranekd 19th out 22 that is a problem with the class as a whole not just the player.

You’ve been posting aggressively for seemingly months on end that you don’t do enough damage, but also don’t find a friend group who can give you the exact thing that you want.

So which is. are we having fun or are we parsing? if we’re not parsing who cares where we land.

Also, You do realize that every tier list has a winner and a loser, right? Like to put you up that means someone else goes down. and then what? do we make a constant rotating cast of nerfs and buffs? Where does it end for the one developer that we have access to


I’m asking for competitive balance as Feral consistently ranks 19th out of 22 in DPS, while all three specs of Warlocks, Rogues, both Warrior, Shaman and DK and 2/3 hunter specs are outperforming the sole melee option for Druids. This is the concern. Feral should be on par with Ret pally at the very least. Between 10-12th not 19th.

November 22, 2024

Cataclysm Classic

  • Fixed an issue preventing players from being able to complete the Legendary quest “Delegation” if they had the teleporter opened for them to The Anvil of Conflagration.
  1. Fire Mage (S-Tier)

  2. Arms Warrior (S-Tier)

  3. Balance Druid (S-Tier)

  4. Elemental Shaman (S-Tier)

  5. Survival Hunter (A-Tier)

  6. Unholy Death Knight (A-Tier)

  7. Assassination Rogue (A-Tier)

  8. Frost Death Knight (A-Tier)

  9. Combat Rogue (A-Tier)

  10. Shadow Priest (A-Tier)

  11. Demonology Warlock (A-Tier)

  12. Affliction Warlock (B-Tier)

  13. Subtlety Rogue (B-Tier)

  14. Retribution Paladin (B-Tier)

  15. Enhancement Shaman (B-Tier)

  16. Feral Druid (C-Tier)

  17. Destruction Warlock (C-Tier)

  18. Fury Warrior (C-Tier)

  19. Beast Mastery Hunter (C-Tier)

  20. Arcane Mage (C-Tier)

  21. Marksmanship Hunter (D-Tier)

  22. Frost Mage (D-Tier)

Shows Feral ahead of destro lock, fury warrior and just behind enh shammy . . I raid on a destro lock you see me crying , my main is a Fury warrior . You see me crying GROW A PAIR or just grow up and get over it !!!


Lol that isnt based off REAL data that is speculutive data!!! Go look at WCL!!!


  6. ARMS
  8. FIRE
  9. ENH
  10. ASSASS
  11. DEMO
  12. BOOMY
  13. RET
  14. AFIL
  15. DESTRO
  16. SHADOW
  17. BM
  18. FURY
    19. FERAL
  19. ARCANE
  20. MARKS
  21. FROST

FERAL IS F TIER!!! when you rank 19 out of 22 you are 13.64% that is a F

You are greifing your raid playing fury when arms is S TIER and is the same playstyle uses the similar gear and is melee.Same goes for playing the least optimal warlock spec. You are just telling everyone you like to grief your raid. Feral is the ONLY option for melee dps for druid. But hey enjoy your vacation.

What vacation we cleared norm rag week 2 . most likely start heroics tonight .
Sorry to tell you feral is ranked 16


the Current rankings according to WCL has feral ranked 19 out of 22!!! You are also getting your info from a source that considers Firelands P3 when its really only P2!!! They also base those numbers off speculations not current accurate data. That article was written 4 days ago and the moron who wrote is not using the current standings found on WCL which are more accurate and up to date then anything else.

It isn’t, you being bad at feral doesnt make the entire class F tier.

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Lol look at Warcraft logs look at where Feral ranks #19 out 22 for DPS that makes it F tier!!! Common sense!!!

Common sence says people don’t have most of their FL gear and because the top classes are performing better they got priority on loot, which makes feral look worse. So ferals position is lower than it actually is right now because gear isnt on mostly even levels.

If we look at projected performances based on bis loot, feral is in A teir. Its being held back because it isnt a priority for loot. Now we know sims are not perfect, so we will say feral is high C teir or low B teir assuming its being overestimated. That isnt F teir. But that is common sence.

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Is not factual performance tho!!! that is Hypostasized. But not Real FACTS!!! But hey i wouldnt expect a level 10 to understand that.

Hello: AuctionDB data for Cata is still broken. Please advise when we will have AuctionDB data back.

Is it a fact that not enough people are near bis yet to get an accurate factual data? Yes or no?

If that is a yes, it means sims are the better indicators right now because the factual data is incomplete.

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Only thing the data tells me is that the average feral drood will die to mechanics.

Lol using the data that is currently available is Factual data Sims are possibility’s there for are not FACTUAL!!!

Ok so you have a parse from a druid in or near FL bis then?


Then we cant say the sims are not accurate yet as its the best projection we have for ferals FL performance.

You are Speculating im going off the current data that we have to date. Those are the FACTUAL numbers. Feral needs a buff its that simple we have been F tier damage for over 6 months now.

Sims are based on data as well, they are not just made up. Sims show feral as A teir in full bis. We currently have 0 data from full Bis feral.

Even if the data is off that would put feral at B or C, not F.

Sims show Feral as A tier on a Patchwerk fight. Lol you clearly have no clue what you are talking about.