Cataclysm Classic Hotfixes - February 27

That’s it I’m call all you birdies Dotkins now.


I was in a pretty fowl mood, but you made me genuinely laugh with that one.

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November 6, 2024
Cataclysm Classic

  • Fixed a bug preventing Pilgrim’s Bounty from appearing on the calendar.
  • Mage
    • Fixed a problem with Frostfire Bolt where it was not properly benefitting from Shatter when Fingers of Frost and Brain Freeze is active. It will now gain increased critical strike chance in that situation for both the initial and periodic damage. Previously, only the periodic damage gained increased critical strike chance.

November 8, 2024
Cataclysm Classic

  • Fixed an issue where the Heroic Tier 11 Helm and Shoulders were costing a Tier Token and the normal version of the item, instead of just the Tier Token.
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What about feral druids , we kindly request your attention about the class condition, class should be renamed to guardian if it’s expected to be this bad, no reason for any player to play dps as a feral with no changes to the class in its current state.

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Oh, i had no idea this wasn’t intentional, i thought with the added vendor, it was just changed because those items were more accessible. Any way to get those 32 fragments back for those who bought it just to upgrade?

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Is there a fix for those who already bought it to get the heroic version?

This is still broken:

  • Fixed an issue where the Heroic Tier 11 Helm and Shoulders were costing a Tier Token and the normal version of the item, instead of just the Tier Token.
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this is not fixed

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Feral is fine, you can’t expect Blizz to balance around you being bad. Learn to play your class.

This topic is indeed not yet fixed on Mankrik US Horde as of 6pm CST Nov 10th, 2024. Both the Helm and Shoulders are both still requiring the normal Tier for the Mage pieces from Gunra in Org.

Knock knock blizzard, tier vendor is still bugged.

PLEASE DON’T LET US GET LOCKED IN FIRELANDS WHEN DOING DELEGATION QUEST. Raid should only lock if bosses get killed, please blizzard.

November 12, 2024

Cataclysm Classic

  • Shaman
    • Fire Elemental should now correctly focus on your latest flame shock target.
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can we fix searing totem though for enhance? making it target flame shock targets when you can spread flame shock to 5+ targets is super grief especially with the T12 set

Hey blizz good job at fixing ele shamans fire ele after buffing there T12 2pc!!

Now how about you fix feral dps?

Came here to confirm you did not

Maybe third time’s the charm?

atleast they are trying to fix your 1 button S tier class and not ignoring your F tier class

Feral isnt F teir.

If you feel feral is F teir, its because you are ignoring all of its utility. Add in its utility and it is at least B teir.

November 14, 2024

Cataclysm Classic

  • Fixed an issue preventing the completion of the Twin Peaks Mountaineer.
  • Firelands
    • Alysrazor should no longer fail to fall to the ground if she is killed while in the air.