Cataclysm Classic Hotfixes - February 27

Yall really not going to say anything about joyous journey?? The art of not caring, blizzard has mastered it.


They didn’t even tell us when season 10 was starting when there was 5+ people asking blues in forums directly, don’t expect much.

Just a SURPRISE season 10 is now LIVE!

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Sorry no JJ allowed, too many people having fun detected

Definitely not fixed. Chaining Explosive Shots via Lock and Load still results in DoT ticks not equal to 9. Sometimes less and, in rare cases, more.

I thought something felt off. Im guessing this was in effect from cata launch because i was seeing inconsistent explosive shot ticks at times (aka, it didnt divide by 3).

stop lying this didn’t affect your green parses in any way.

Can yall do a rework of the rework of ele, its embarassing

Cool, fix Joyous Journeys next

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Hey blizz give feral druid there FFF Glyph back but just make it a passive ability Thanks

Rng of it can have an effect on parses, but hay, math doesnt matter to you right? Your only goal is to belittle others. Makes you feel big for a gnome right?

Lol Feral druids need a buff how about since youve made feral druids suffer for the last 6 months you just revert the FFF glyph but make it a passive ability while also increasing our mastery damage by 50% so we can compete with the casters who are all get that legendary.

They do not need a buff.

They will be A teir with firelands gear.

And also for anyone confused say hi to burnings. He derails every thread to try to buff ferals so his gray parses can do more dps (also hes the one bringing parses i to the argument sooo

Not sure who that is. Think you have me confused with someone else.

hiding on a level 10 toon doesn’t scream troll rofl

And yet you “log shamed” me

Which is evidence of me not hiding behind an alt. I use this character for the forums because it will never get name changed, realm changed, etc. Which prevents issues with these forums post history and notifications.

I have revealed my main multiple times simply from people asking.

Sure you don’t :smirk:

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Sounds like a troll excuse to me.


Anyway on topic, feral druids are not bugged to my knowledge, the explosive shot clipping was bugged. It got fixed, if you really want feral druid buffs go look for a bug that when fixed would result in a buff for feral, then make that bug known.


check the comments, mentions feral, it’s been open since may.

Grats now make that a big deal to get fixed. And you successfully get feral a buff.

When you make your thread about it, make sure to mention them fixing hunters and warriors having a similar issue and it should be fixed just as the others were.

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I’m afraid to make a new post there’s already soo many, i guess i can point it out in the one with the most relevance

What a lazy way to fix an issue no one has.
Firstly, no changes.
Second, who gets to decide what the right way to play is? Should every moonkin make a trend to start spamming nothing but moonfire? Is that going to be changed too because someone doesn’t like the way the player chooses to play?
Third, R.I.P. Every possibility of having a good opener. No one wants dots to be stronger. If we wanted to play a dot class, we’d roll a warlock. Boomkin’s didn’t earn their name by their dot damage.