Cataclysm Classic Hotfixes - February 27

Bro, get over it.

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No gonna keep pointing it out till blizzard knows about it and does something!!!

I don’t think you’re going to convince them by “pointing out” a change that never occurred.

Putting in work. Epic bug fix.

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Just got one-shot by a Earthwatcher Waveguard’s melee swing on my hunter. I’m friendly with the Earthen Ring. This bug persists with every single faction that players start out neutral with; you’re temporary hostile for a split second when they first populate. It’s been a bug since Cataclysm release, and I’ve yet to see it even mentioned by anyone official.

Everlook, Area 52, Moonglade, Hyjal, Booty Bay, etc etc etc. Any faction that a player naturally starts out neutral with is temporarily hostile when first loading into the area. Saw the guards and NPCs in Marshtide Watch change from red to green after a split second when flying over with my Warlock earlier tonight.

Hey blizz how about rolling out a buff for feral druids?

Granted our T12 2 pc is nice but not nearly as good as DK DPS 4pc

Feral 2pc
Your attacks with Mangle, Maul, and Shred deal 10% additional damage as Fire damage over 4 sec.

DPS DK - Your Obliterate and Scourge Strike abilities instantly deal 6% additional damage as Fire damage.

Why does a S tier class get an instant 6% damage (2% more then feral who also get a DoT) While Feral is F tier damage!!!


maybe up the daily quest limit

October 30, 2024
Cataclysm Classic

  • Updated the price of Pip’s Solution Agitator on the Fissure Stone Vendor to now cost 15 Fissure Stone Fragments (was 30).
  • Fixed an issue where Elemental Rune Dungeons were showing up as Heroic dungeons when using the LFG tool.
  • Updated the Darkmoon Hammer and the Cloak of the Darkmoon Faire to now be transmoggable.

Can you hotfix Joyous journeys now??


Please fix the Heroic T11 ilvl 372 helm/shoulders to not require the normal ilvl 359 helm/shoulders like it did in phase 1. Should only require the heroic token to purchase it.

The disrespect about not addressing Joyous Journey. FFS blizzard we don’t ask for much.


Hows about fixing the Joyous Journey buff or fix your automated GM responses that say it shouldn’t be deactivated and speak to an Innkeeper which doesn’t have the option to turn it on. Thanks!


Please fix Joyous Journeys or at least address it. It just feels bad having it taken away from one day to the next without any announcement. Dungeon queues have gone from 5-10 min to 1hour plus since it has been gone. No JJ killed my desire and fun in leveling alts.


October 31, 2024

Cataclysm Classic

  • Fixed an issue preventing bonus valor from the Daily Heroic and Daily Zandalari dungeon queues from being rewarded properly. Players will see the correct bonus valor for 1st-of-day queues tomorrow.

Is it only joyous journeys, or people are spending less time on alts because they now have more stuff to get on their mains?

The purpose of JJ is to incentivize people to play alts at the end of phase. If it was on all the time, you wouldn’t get a ‘peak’ of alt levelling at certain time, along with the shorter queues. To some extent it works because it’s a time limited event.

Can you address the joyous journey situation… Don’t we at least deserve to know…


YO, where is our Joyous Journey buff?


For real what about the Joyous Journeys XP buff? I love the game and never complained about anything else before but please fix. First time in my life I begin to really despise Blizzard and start to think about canceling my sub out of spite. At least let us know if this is a bug or intended to end. I guess retail where leveling is already quick keeps their XP buff and classic where leveling takes forever get’s it taken away without warning after only 3 weeks. But at least let us know what is up now with the XP buff. I am tired of constantly checking, seeing if this is finally resolved or clarified.

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Please address the Fire Elemental AI targeting.

November 1, 2024
Cataclysm Classic

  • Resolved an issue that temporarily caused Guild Bank tabs 7 and 8 to not populate when viewed.
    • Developers’ notes: It may be possible that players placed new items in the apparently empty Guild Bank slots between the launch of patch 4.4.1 and today’s fix. To address this, we will apply another hotfix with weekly scheduled maintenance that will identify and move such items to any empty slots elsewhere in the Guild Bank. This may result in items being placed in tabs with different permission settings, and you may need to move them to get them to the intended slot. If you suspect this applies to you, you may wish to make space in your Guild Bank as soon as possible.
  • Hunter
    • Explosive Shot should no longer miss a tick of damage when being reapplied in quick succession.
  • Warrior
    • Reverted recent changes to the timing of Rend refreshes with the Warrior talents Lambs to the Slaughter and Blood and Thunder.