I get mine from curse forge. Details and Weak Auras got an update after launch already to fix some bugs. So if you got the latest as soon as the servers came online, go check again.
Most popular addons will likely have been updated by now to fix any problems, if not they will likely be updated by the end of the week. It’s also important to remember most addons are people’s passion projects and they may have left the game or are busy themselves.
I can’t think of any new cata specific addons I have been waiting on.
I used to use ElvUI for TBC and Wrath. Going to try just vanilla UI for a while and see how it feels.
Addons I use:
Bagnon / Bagnon_ItemLevels - Turns your 5 bags into one big bag. Add’s border coloring to items to correspond with item rarity.
DBM (although I have them mostly all disabled in favor of Tems Weak Aura packs, but the timers are still helpful)
Item Rack - Let’s me mouse over an equipment slot and has a fly out menu to swap gear, or queue gear swaps if I’m in combat so when I leave combat it will swap them for me.
Parrot 2 - Scrolling Battle text replacement
Threatplates - I tried plater, but I like the UI setup and the default settings of Threat plates more.
About 70% of mine are now working. I did a combination of checking individual addons Githubs as you can usually find a working branch there that isn’t finalized for release, as well as just manually fixing some myself.
I use curseforge for mine, some are working fine post update, some don’t. Atlas still isn’t working for me. I know a number of folks were having issues with Elv UI last night, had to do some workaround or other. My Details wasn’t working post update, but a manual uninstall/reinstall then relog fixed it. Good luck!
mousing over certain things throws an error, but letting it sit in the corner without touching it still let it collect data. I could see DPS and stuff. So it mostly works for me.
Anyone have a fix for ElvUI for Cata? I had to go barebones and get bartender4 (which has issues when loading into a vehicle and won’t change the skill bars to the vehicle skill bars.)
I joined the Details! Discord and see a pin in #details-chat:
“Latest alpha version of Details has preliminary Cata support. Currently things like health potion ids, cds, spec spells, are not implemented. If you encounter a Lua error, please post the error and the /details version string, so we know what version you’re on. 12579 Alpha 3 and any later are the versions with Cata Beta support.”
Weak Aura’s does not work either. It won’t show up in-game even when its enabled. What gives? (What I mean is that I cannot import any new weakaura’s because I dont have a button to do so) and it keeps telling me to put on demon armor whenever I already have it on.
If you can’t see Bagnon as an option in the addons list, you need to go to the folder and rename Bagnon-Wotlk.toc to Bagnon-Cata.toc and the same for Bag Brother.